Random Variables

  • A random variable is a function that maps an event in the sample space to a numerical value.

  • A discrete random variable operates on a countable sample space. That is, it may be quantified using a probability mass function where


  • A continuous random variable operates on an uncountable sample space. It can be quantified using a probability density function wherein the probability is given by

    A corresponding function called the cumulative distribution function is defined such that

  • Change of variables extends to probability distributions Given is a continuous random variable from , with probability distribution and , assuming is an invertible function, we have that

    Where denotes the Jacobian for multidimensional .

    • If were discrete, then we simply have

Properties of Probability Distributions

  • The Quantile denoted defined as the value such that


  • The mean or expectation or expected value is defined as the average value of the distribution.

  • The expectation with respect to a distribution is obtained as

  • Let and be random variables. The conditional expectation of given is

  • Linearity of Expectation.

  • Monotonicity: If almost surely, and both and exist, then

  • Law of Total Expectation also called the Law of Iterated Expectations. States that for random variables we have

  • The following property applies to expectations. Let be a joint distribution. We can write the expectation of sampled from this distribution as

    Observe we expanded the joint distribution according to the chain rule of probability. hen, we manipulated the internals sums by pushing them out.

    Remarkably, for a Markov Process, the expectation collapses simply as


  • The variance is defined as the average spread of the distribution

  • An important formulation of the variance is as follows:

  • The standard deviation is expressed in the same units of . It is simply

  • The coefficient of variation denoted is defined as

    The squared coefficient of variation is simply .

    It serves as a measure of variability. The CV denotes how concentrated the probability distribution is around the mean (higher = more spread out)

  • Some properties of the variance

    • Location Parameters
    • Additivity (for uncorrelated and )
    • Linearity (general case). Let represent the constants multiplied to each random variable.
      Where is the covariance matrix.

Covariance and Correlation

  • The covariance between and measure the degree to which they are linearly related. It is defined as

    We may define a covariance matrix whose entries contain the pairwise covariances between variables. That is

    • The Covariance satisfies the following
  • The precision is the inverse of the variance. It is given by

    The precision matrix is given as the inverse of the covariance matrix

  • The Pearson Correlation between and defines a normalized measure of the covariance. It is defined as

    We may define a correlation matrix where

    In fact, indicates that . Correlation is a measure to the degree in which two variables are linearly related.


  • Markov’s Inequality states the following:

    If is a nonnegative random variable and , then

    When , we take for to get
