• All probabilities range from to .

Probabilities on Two Events

  • The Joint Probability is defined as the probability of two events happening together.

    The Marginal Distribution is defined as follows:

    • This can be extended for continuous variables by evaluating the following integral

    • We may interpret the marginal distribution as aggregating all probabilities conditioned on .

  • The Conditional Probability is defined as the probability of given or

    • Conditioning on another variable still gives the same definition as above. That is


  • Two random variables are independent if the joint probability can be written as
    That is, the two variables do not depend on each other.
  • Two random variables are conditionally independent given if the conditional joint can be written as a product of conditional marginals, or
    Alternatively, it can be stated as


  • The Chain Rule of Probability

  • Bayes’ Theorem is defined as

    • is the prior
      • A prior is informative if it significantly affects the posterior. It is uninformative otherwise.
    • is the likelihood
    • is the posterior.
      • We say that the prior is a conjugate prior if it is of the same form as the posterior. This is done for mathematical convenience.
      • In many cases, it is desirable to have distributions that are amenable to being used as a conjugate prior (i.e., Gaussian, Beta, Inverse Wishart)
    • is the probability of the evidence.
  • Boole’s Inequality or the Union Bound. Let be a countable set of events. We have that
