- All probabilities range from
to .
Probabilities on Two Events
The Joint Probability is defined as the probability of two events happening together.
The Marginal Distribution is defined as follows:
This can be extended for continuous variables by evaluating the following integral
We may interpret the marginal distribution as aggregating all probabilities conditioned on
The Conditional Probability is defined as the probability of
given or - Conditioning on another variable still gives the same definition as above. That is
- Conditioning on another variable still gives the same definition as above. That is
- Two random variables
are independent if the joint probability can be written as That is, the two variables do not depend on each other. - Two random variables
are conditionally independent given if the conditional joint can be written as a product of conditional marginals, or Alternatively, it can be stated as
The Chain Rule of Probability
Bayes’ Theorem is defined as
is the prior - A prior is informative if it significantly affects the posterior. It is uninformative otherwise.
is the likelihood is the posterior. - We say that the prior is a conjugate prior if it is of the same form as the posterior. This is done for mathematical convenience.
- In many cases, it is desirable to have distributions that are amenable to being used as a conjugate prior (i.e., Gaussian, Beta, Inverse Wishart)
is the probability of the evidence.
Boole’s Inequality or the Union Bound. Let
be a countable set of events. We have that