• A message-passing algorithm for performing inference on a graphical model.

  • Let be random variables with a joint probability function . The task is to compute the marginal distributions.

    Define a factor graph with variables and factors .

  • Let be a variable node and a factor node connected to in the factor graph. Let be the factor corresponding to .

    • A message in this case is a re-usable partial sum that can be used in computing the marginal probability

    • A message is defined as follows

      Where is the set of neighboring factor nodes. If is empty, we use the uniform probability distribution.

    • A message is defined as follows

      Where is the set of neighboring variable nodes of . If is empty, we have .

  • The marginal probabilities can be approximated as follows

  • A Maximum A posteriori estimate can be obtained for by doing an argmax instead of a sum.

  • The Belief Propagation algorithm gives an exact value if the PGM is acyclic.

    However, it can still be performed for graphs with cycles with no exact value guarantees.

  • The update rule for BP can be modified as long as the set of fixed points remains the same.

  • For notational brevity, let denote the message to be passed at the -th step. Then with a damped update rule
