• For the following, let be a graph.

Edge Types

  • A loop is an edge whose endpoints are equal.

  • Multiple Edges are edges that have the same pair of incident vertices

  • A graph is simple if it has no loops or multiple edges.

  • A graph is undirected if , then so is .

    That is, we do not distinguish between the order of vertices listed in each edge. Otherwise, if there is a notion of direction, we say the graph is directed.

    • For directed graphs, we refer to edges as arcs and the arc set is notated
  • A graph is weighted wherein each edge is assigned a value called its weight.

    We may denote the weight of an edge as .

    We may also denote the weight of a weighted graph as , that is the sum of weights of all its edges


  • If , we say that is adjacent to . Denoted as . This is the adjacency relation.
  • We say that is incident to the vertices . This is the incidence relation.
  • The degree of a vertex denotes the number of edges that are incident to it. This is denoted
    • The minimum degree is denoted
    • The maximum degree is denoted
  • For a directed graph, we have:
    • The out-degree of a vertex as the number of arcs coming from (that is, arcs of the form ). This is denoted
    • The in-degree of as the number of arcs coming to (that is, arcs of the form ). This is denoted
    • The degree of a vertex in the digraph is the number of arcs incident to it. It is therefore calculated as
  • Let be an undirected graph. A degree sequence is a monotonic non-increasing sequence of the vertex degrees of its graph vertices.

  • Handshaking Lemma. In an undirected graph, there must exist an even number of odd degree vertices.

  • Degree Sum Formula (Undirected)

  • Degree Sum Formula (Directed)

Relations between Graphs

  • The graph is a subgraph of a graph , denoted as if and only if and . We refer to as the supergraph

    • If , we say that is a spanning subgraph of .
  • Let be any subset of vertices of . The induced subgraph, denoted is the graph whose vertex set is and whose edge set consists of all the edges in that have endpoints in . More formally, for ,

  • Two graphs are disjoint if they do not share any vertices.

  • Graph Homomorphism

  • Matrices in Graph Theory
