• We can usually use these operations to produce a proof by induction.

Graph Operations

  • The complement of , denoted is a graph such that and the following holds:

    • The complements of two isomorphic graphs are isomorphic. That is
  • The Union of and , denoted is the graph where

  • The Intersection of and , denoted is the graph where

  • A graph decomposition is a list of edge-disjoint subgraphs. That is, if we have such that each are pairwise disjoint, then

    We denote this by saying

    analogous to direct sums

  • Cartesian Product of Graphs

Edge Operations

Edge Addition

  • Let be a graph and a set of edges. The graph obtained from edge addition is denoted and is the graph where all edges in are added to .
  • If is singleton we denote this as
  • Edge addition cannot increase the number of components.
    • Intuitively, this follows from the fact that adding an edge may connect two components together or it may not. In either case, we do not create any new components as a result.

Edge Contraction

  • An Edge Contraction is an operation that removes an edge while simultaneously merging and into a new vertex which is incident to all edges that were previously incident to either or
  • The resulting graph is notated as . We say that is contractible to

Edge Deletion

  • If , then edge deletion is the operation of removing all edges in from . This is denoted
  • If is singleton, then we denote this as

Edge Smoothing

  • Edge Smoothing is an operation on edges Consider a path contained in graph , where is adjacent to no other vertex.

    Delete vertex and connect and . Essentially, replace with the edge .

    More succinctly, it is the reverse operation of Edge Subdivision

Edge Subdivision

  • Let be an edge of . Edge subdivision involves deleting this edge and replacing it with a path of length by adding new edges .
  • The Subdivision Graph of a graph , denoted is obtained by subdividing all edges.
    • The subdivision graph is bipartite, with the partitions corresponding to whether a vertex in belongs to or .
  • If is -regular, then is a semiregular bipartite graph.

Vertex Operations

  • Let . The graph obtained from vertex deletion is denoted as and is the graph with all vertices and all incident edges from vertices in removed from .

    If is a singleton , we similarly denote the vertex deletion as .
