- A Disconnecting set in a connected graph
is a set of edges whose removal disconnects . - In general, a disconnecting set increases the number of components.
- A cut-set is a disconnecting set such that no proper subset of it is a disconnecting set.
- (Wilson e5.11b) If two distinct cut-sets of
contain an edge , then has a cut-set that does not contain 1
- (Wilson e5.11b) If two distinct cut-sets of
A bridge is a cut-set with only one edge.
- (Theorem): If
is a bridge, then it appears in every spanning forest. - If it didn’t then the spanning forest would not be able to cover all vertices since removing it disconnects the graph.
- (Theorem): If
be a connected graph. The edge connectivity of , denoted is the size of the smallest cut-set in . It is the minimum number of edges we need to delete to disconnect
. If
, we say that is -edge connected -
(Wilson 28.1) Menger’s Theorem (Edge Version) - the maximum number of edge-independent paths connecting two distinct vertices
and of a connected graph is equal to the minimum number of edges in a -edge cut. -
An edge atom of a graph is defined as
such that - (Godsil 3.3.2) Any two distinct edge atoms are vertex disjoint
Proof: Let
be two distinct edge atoms of . If , then since neither nor contain more than half the vertices of , we have Hence
. Consider the other case,
. By (Godsil 3.3.1) But also
But this is impossible since
which contradicts the fact that so
- (Godsil 3.3.2) Any two distinct edge atoms are vertex disjoint
Each cut set partitions the graph into
and respectively. Clearly and cannot be empty (show this is true). The cut-set and whichever is non-empty is the one we desire. Demonstrate cannot be in this cut-set either ↩