• A Disconnecting set in a connected graph is a set of edges whose removal disconnects .
    • In general, a disconnecting set increases the number of components.
  • A cut-set is a disconnecting set such that no proper subset of it is a disconnecting set.
    • (Wilson e5.11b) If two distinct cut-sets of contain an edge , then has a cut-set that does not contain 1
  • A bridge is a cut-set with only one edge.

    • (Theorem): If is a bridge, then it appears in every spanning forest.
      • If it didn’t then the spanning forest would not be able to cover all vertices since removing it disconnects the graph.
  • Let be a connected graph. The edge connectivity of , denoted is the size of the smallest cut-set in .

    It is the minimum number of edges we need to delete to disconnect .

    If , we say that is -edge connected

  • (Wilson 28.1) Menger’s Theorem (Edge Version) - the maximum number of edge-independent paths connecting two distinct vertices and of a connected graph is equal to the minimum number of edges in a -edge cut.

  • An edge atom of a graph is defined as such that

    • (Godsil 3.3.2) Any two distinct edge atoms are vertex disjoint
      • Proof: Let be two distinct edge atoms of . If , then since neither nor contain more than half the vertices of , we have

        Hence .

        Consider the other case, . By (Godsil 3.3.1)

        But also

        But this is impossible since which contradicts the fact that so



  1. Each cut set partitions the graph into and respectively. Clearly and cannot be empty (show this is true). The cut-set and whichever is non-empty is the one we desire. Demonstrate cannot be in this cut-set either