
  • A component of a graph is a maximally connected subgraph of the particular graph. That is, we cannot add any more vertices and edges to the subgraph. The number of components is denoted
    • (Component-Edge Inequality, Wilson 5.2) - Let be a simple graph with vertices. If has components, then the number of edges satisfies:
      • (Theorem): Let , then
    • (Wilson 5.3) Any simple graph with vertices and more than edges is connected 1
  • Two special cases of components

    • An isolated vertex is a vertex with degree .
    • A component is trivial if it has no edges
  • Two vertices are connected if there exists a a path in that connects and . Otherwise they are disconnected vertices.

    • Adjacency is a special case of connectivity.
  • A graph is connected if each vertex in the graph is connected. It has only one component otherwise is disconnected

    • (Mesbahi e2.12) If is simple, then and cannot both be disconnected.

Vertex Subsets

  • A clique of is a set of pairwise adjacent vertices. More formally let be a clique of . Then:

  • An independent set of the graph is a set of pairwise non-adjacent vertices. More formally, the following holds for independent set

  • A neighborhood of a vertex is the set of all vertices that are adjacent to . This is denoted as .

    We can generalize it to a set of vertices . The neighborhood of , denoted is the set of all vertices that are adjacent to a vertex in .



  • A separating set also called a vertex cut, in a connected graph is a set of vertices whose deletion disconnects .

    • In general it is the set of vertices that increase the number of components by .
  • A cut vertex is a separating set with only one element.

  • If is connected, its vertex connectivity, denoted is the size of the smallest separating set in .

    It is the minimum number of vertices we need to delete to disconnect .

    If , we say the graph is -connected


  • Disconnecting set in a connected graph is a set of edges whose removal disconnects .
    • In general, a disconnecting set increases the number of components.
  • A cut-set is a disconnecting set such that no proper subset of it is a disconnecting set.
    • (Wilson e5.11b) If two distinct cut-sets of contain an edge , then has a cut-set that does not contain 2
  • A bridge is a cut-set with only one edge.

    • (Theorem): If is a bridge, then it appears in every spanning forest.
      • If it didn’t then the spanning forest would not be able to cover all vertices since removing it disconnects the graph.
  • Let be a connected graph. The edge connectivity of , denoted is the size of the smallest cut-set in .

    It is the minimum number of edges we need to delete to disconnect .

    If , we say that is -edge connected

General Connectivity

  • (Bondy and Murty 3.1) Connectivity Inequality If is a connected graph, then

    In fact, we can analyze this inequality using the Laplacian

  • Graphs and are disjoint if they have no vertices in common

  • Graphs and are edge disjoint if they have no edges in common

Biconnectivity and Blocks

  • A graph is biconnected if it is -connected

  • A connected graph that has no cut vertices is called a block.

  • A biconnected component is a maximal biconnected subgraph.

  • (Bondy and Murty 3.2.1) In a biconnected graph, any two distinct vertices lie in a common cycle.

  • (Bondy and Murty 3.2.2) If is a block with , then any two edges of lie on a common cycle.

  • Whitney’s Theorem A graph with is biconnected if and only if two vertices of are connected by at least two internally disjoint paths.



  1. Substitute to the Component-Edge inequality.

  2. Each cut set partitions the graph into and respectively. Clearly and cannot be empty (show this is true). The cut-set and whichever is non-empty is the one we desire. Demonstrate cannot be in this cut-set either