• Let be graph. The graph is -colorable if it is possible to assign for each vertex colors such that adjacent vertices have different colors.
  • A graph is -edge colorable if its edges can be colored with colors so that no two adjacent edges (i.e., edges that share an endpoint) have the same color .
  • A map is -face colorable if its faces can be colored with colors such that no two faces with a boundary edge in common have the same color.

Chromatic Number

  • The chromatic number of denoted implies that is -colorable but not -colorable.

  • A graph has a chromatic index denoted if it is -edge colorable but not edge colorable.

  • (Wilson Ch. 18) Brook’s Theorem - If is a simple connected graph and not an odd cycle, and if , then is -colorable.

  • Vizing’s Theorem 1

  • (Wilson 20.2)

  • (Wilson 20.4) Konig’s Theorem If is bipartite, then

Four Color Theorem

  • Vertex Formulation: Every simple planar graph is -colorable.
  • Face Formulation: Any map is -face colorable
  • (Wilson 20.3) Edge Formulation: for each cubic map of .

Chromatic Polynomials

  • Let be a simple graph. The chromatic polynomial, denoted is the number of ways to perform a vertex coloring with colors available.

    • If
  • (Aydelotte 2.6, Wilson 21.2). The chromatic polynomial is a polynomial.

  • The Deletion-Contraction Formula. If is a simple 2 graph, then

  • (Aydelotte 2.4) Let be a simple graph, be a decomposition of . Then

  • (Aydelotte 3.1) The degree of l is the number of vertices of .

  • (Aydelotte 3.2) The chromatic polynomial has the following properties.

    1. The Leading Coefficient of is .
    2. The absolute value of the coefficient of the term in is the number of edges of .
    3. The first coefficient of is positive, and all terms alternate in sign.
    4. All coefficients are integer.
    5. If the coefficient of , then so is .
  • (Aydelotte 3.2) The constant term of the chromatic polynomial of any graph is .

  • (Aydelotte 3.7) The chromatic polynomial of is

  • (Aydelotte 3.8) The chromatic polynomial of

  • (Theorem) The chromatic polynomial of a tree of vertices is

  • Read’s Theorem For a given chromatic polynomial with coefficients , is unimodal. That is, there is some such that

Chromatic Equivalence

  • Two undirected graphs are said to be chromatically equivalent if they have the same chromatic polynomial but they are not isomorphic.

  • An undirected graph is chromatically unique if for any graph with the same chromatic polynomial as , then

  • An undirected graph is a -critical if and the vertex deletion of any vertex yields a graph with a smaller chromatic number, namely for vertex we have

  • (Wilson e17.11.3a) Let be -critical. Then [

  • (Wilson e17.11.3b) Let be a -critical graph. Then does not contain cut vertices. A special case of Wilson e17.11.3b. 3
  • (Wilson e17.11z) Let be a -critical graph. Any vertex cut of cannot be in a clique.
    • This follows from Wilson e17.11.3b except applying the argument to multiple vertices instead.



  1. This follows by coloring a vertex one color, and all its neighbors any of the remaining colors (at most ) by definition.

  2. Consider . The number of colorings in where and have different colors is . The number of colorings where and have the same colors is where is contracted and .

  3. Let consist of components by virtue of beng a cut-set. Now, is colorable. Any component combined with (and the edges to ) is colorable. Taking the union of the components gives us a coloring.