• We can represent the adjacency relation with a square Matrix called the adjacency matrix denoted . It is and we obtain the entries as follows.

    For an undirected, graph

    For a directed graph we can define the adjacency matrix with either the in-degree or the out-degree.

    For the in-degree definition we have that

    For the out-degree definition we have that

    We denote the adjacency matrix of as .

    • Notation: For digraphs, we assume the in-order definition by default unless otherwise stated.
  • The Incidence Matrix is an matrix where:

    We denote the incidence matrix of as .

    If the graph is directed, then we have

    In this case, we say that the incidence matrix captures the graph’s orientation.

    • For any incidence matrix on , the column sum of any column is .

      If there is no orientation, the column sum is

      This corresponds to the fact that edges have exactly one head and one tail.

  • The Degree Matrix is the diagonal matrix obtained by

    We denote this with for graph .

    For digraphs, we may define this with either the in-degree or the out-degree instead.

    • Notation: By default, we assume the in-degree notation unless otherwise stated.
  • The Laplacian Matrix of is the square matrix whose components are obtained as

    It may also be obtained as

    • The rows of the Laplacian of any graph sum to zero.
  • For a weighted graph, the Weight Matrix is an diagonal matrix such that

  • The Topological Overlap Matrix between nodes and is calculated as

    Where and are the degrees of node and is the Heaviside Function is the number of common neighbors of node and (i.e., )
