• A Hamiltonian Path is a path contained within a graph such that it passes through vertex exactly once.

  • A Hamiltonian Cycle is a cycle contained within a Graph such that it passes through each vertex exactly once.

  • A Hamiltonian Graph is a graph which contains a Hamiltonian Cycle

  • A graph is Semi-Hamiltonian if it contains a Hamiltonian Path but not a Hamiltonian Cycle

  • (Bondy and Murty 4.2) If is Hamiltonian, then for every non-empty .

  • (Bondy and Murty 4.3) Dirac’s Theorem. If is a graph with vertices and then is Hamiltonian.

  • (Wilson 7.1) Ore’s Theorem 1. Let be a simple graph with vertices. If for each pair of non-adjacent vertices and , then is Hamiltonian

  • (Godsil 3.6.1) Let be a cubic graph, then has a Hamiltonian cycle if and only if does.



  1. Ore’s Theorem generalizes Dirac’s Theorem