• An matrix with entries from a field is a rectangular array of the form

    Where all the entries are elements of .

  • A matrix is square if it has the same number of rows and columns

  • Two matrices are equal if and only if

  • The set of matrices is a Vector Space denoted under matrix (element-wise) addition and scalar multiplication.

  • The trace of an matrix, denoted is the sum of all entries of in the diagonal. That is

    • (Friedberg e1.2.6) The set of matrices having trace equal to is a subspace of
  • Every matrix is equivalent to a linear transformation

    • The rank of is defined as

    • An matrix is invertible if and only if its rank is

    • (Friedberg 3.5) The rank of any matrix equals the maximum number of its linearly independent columns.

      That is, the rank is the dimension of the subspace generated by the columns.

    • (Friedberg 3.6.2) Let )

      • The rank of any matrix equals the maximum number of its linearly independent row (i.e., it is the dimension of the subspace generated by its rows.
      • The rows and columns of any matrix generate subspaces of the same dimension
    • (Friedberg e3.2.8) For any ,

Special Matrices

  • The transpose of an matrix is the matrix where

  • A matrix is symmetric if

    • The set of symmetric matrices is a subspace of
    • The transpose can be seen in the context of dual spaces
  • A matrix is skew-symmetric if

    • (Friedberg e1.3.26) The set of skew-symmetric matrices is a subspace of . In fact, let be the set of skew-symmetric and the set of symmetric matrices. Then

      Every matrix is the sum of a symmetric and skew symmetric matrix.

  • A matrix is diagonal if whenever .

    • The set of diagonal matrices is a subspace of
  • A Vandermonde Matrix is a matrix of the form

    • (Friedberg e4.3.12c) The determinant of the Vandermonde matrix is given by
  • A matrix is nilpotent if for some positive

