• Let . The conjugate transpose (also called adjoint) of is defined such that

    • (Friedberg e6.2.10) Let such that the rows of form an orthonormal set. Then
  • The equivalent concept in the language transformations is the linear adjoint

  • (Friedberg 6.8) Let be a finite dimensional inner product space over and let be a linear transformation. Then, there exists a unique vector such that .

    • Intuition: Let be an orthonormal basis . The vector
  • (Friedberg 6.9) Let be a finite dimensional inner product space and let be a linear operator on . Then there exists a unique linear function such that such that

    This linear function is called the adjoint of .

  • (Friedberg 6.10) Let be a finite-dimensional inner product space and let be an orthonormal basis for . If is a linear operator on then

  • (Theorem 6.11) Let be a finite-dimensional inner product space, and let and be linear operator on . Then

    • for any .
    • (Friedberg e6.3.8) If is invertible then so is and in fact
  • (Theorem 6.11.1) Results analogous to (Theorem 6.11) can be stated for matrices. Let

    • for any .
    • If is invertible, then so is and in fact
    • (Friedberg e6.3.16) If then the determinant satisfies
  • (Friedberg Lem6.12.2) Let . Then

  • (Friedberg Cor6.12.1) If such that . Then is invertible

  • (Friedberg 6.12) Let and . Then there exists such that and

    Furthermore if and

  • (Friedberg e6.3.13) Let be a linear operator on a finite dimensional inner product space . The following statements are true

    • For any ,

