• Let . Then is invertible if there exists such that

    The matrix is unique.

  • (Friedberg e2.4.2) Let be invertible matrices. Then

  • (Friedberg e2.4.3) Let be invertible, then

  • (Friedberg e2.4.4) If is invertible and , then .

  • (Friedberg e2.4.8) A one sided inverse for square matrices is a two sided inverse. If such that then

  • (Friedberg 3.4) Let . If and are invertible, and matrices respectively, then


  • Let and . The augmented matrix is defined as the matrix

    We have that for

  • We can find by finding the elementary matrices which reduce the LHS of the augmented matrix to the identity.


  • Murphy Thm. 4.3.2 Let

    Where and are invertible. We have

    Obtain the second formula, by interchanging the two diagonal entries of the first and then interchanging all with and all with .

    We also have the Schur Complements

    The Schur Complements arise when performing Gaussian Elimination on the block matrix

  • Murphy Cor. 4.3.1. Let

    Where and are invertible. We have

    The first two are called the Matrix Inversion Lemma or the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury Formula. The last is called the Matrix Determinant Lemma.

    The Sherman-Morrison formula is an important special case given as

    Where we assume .

  • The Bunch-Nielsen Sorensen formula is as follows.

    Let denote the eigenvalues of and

    denote the eigenvalues of the updated matrix .

    In the special case when is diagonal, the eigenvalues of is given as

    Where is a number that makes normalized.
