• Let . The sequence is said to converge to the matrix called the limit of the sequence if

    We denote this by saying that

  • (Frieidberg 5.17) Let such that

    Then for any and we have that

  • (Friedberg 5.17.1) Let and . Then for any invertible matrix we have

  • Let . This set consists of the complex number and the interior of the disk of radius in the complex plane.

    • If is a complex number, exists if and only if

    • (Friedberg 5.18) Let be a square matrix with complex entries. Then exists if and only if the following hold

      • If is an eigenvalue of , then
      • If is an eigenvalue of then the dimension of the eigenspace corresponding to equals the algebraic multiplicity of as an eigenvalue of .
    • (Friedberg 5.19) Let be such that the following hold If is an eigenvalue of , then is diagonalizable.

      Then exists.

      • This gives us a technique for computing matrix limits on diagonalizable matrices — first express the matrix as then compute the limit as shown in (Friedberg 5.17)
  • Let . is the sum of the absolute values of the entries of row . is the sum of the absolute values of the entries of column

    The row sum and the column sum are defined as

  • (Friedberg 5.21, Mesbahi 3.9) Gerschgorin’s Disk Theorem. Let define

    and let denote the disk centered at of radius . Then each eigenvalue of lies in some . More formally, each eigenvalue is located in

    • (Friedberg 5.21.1) Let be any eigenvalue of . Then
    • (Friedberg 5.21.2) Let be any eigenvalue of . Then
  • (Friedberg 5.23) Let be a matrix in which each entry is positive and let be an eigenvalue of such that . Then and is a basis for where

    • (Friedberg 5.23.1) Let be a matrix in which each entry is positive and let be an eigenvalue of such that . Then and
  • If , we define as

    Thus, is the sum of the infinite series

    • (Friedberg e5.3.19) Let be a diagonal matrix. Then
