• Let be a group. is a subgroup of if it is a group that is closed and contained within . This is denoted as .
  • A proper subgroup is defined as a subgroup of that is not in itself . This is denoted as . Otherwise, we say is improper.

General Properties

  • (Fraleigh 5.14) A subset is a subgroup of if and only if the following hold:
    • is closed under the binary operation of .
    • If is the identity element of , then .
    • , .
  • (Fraleigh e5.54, Fraleigh 7.4) The intersection of subgroups is also a subgroup. That is if
  • (Fraleigh 10.10) Lagrange’s Theorem If is a finite group and , we have that divides .
    • Intuition: Every coset contains the same number of elements as , and the cosets partition . Therefore, divides

Cyclic Subgroups

  • A special subgroup is called the cyclic subgroup. Let , then is the cyclic subgroup containing . It is defined as.

    We refer to as the generator.

    • (Fraleigh 5.17) It is the smallest subgroup containing .
  • In general, the smallest subgroup of containing all is the subgroup generated by . If this subgroup is all of , then generates , and each element is called a generator. If the set of is finite, then is finitely generated.

  • (Fraleigh 7.6) The subgroup generated by has elements which are precisely those elements of that are finite products of integral powers of the , where powers of a fixed may occur several times in the product.

  • A Cayley Digraph is a Directed Graph where each vertex corresponds to an element of and each edge , corresponds to where is a generator of . We overlay multiple such edge types for each element in some generating set .

  • A Cayley Digraph necessarily and sufficiently satisfies the following properties.

    • The digraph is necessarily connected because every linear equation in the group has a solution.

    • The digraph has at most one arc from to because the solution is unique.

    • Each vertex has exactly one arc of each type starting at and one arc of each type ending at because the products are unique.

    • If two different sequences of arc types starting from lead to the same vertex , then those same arc types starting from any vertex will lead to .

      If , then


  • If then we define

  • The join of subgroups is denoted and is defined as the intersection of all subgroups of that contain .

    • is the smallest subgroup of containing as well as both and .
  • (Fraleigh 37.8) If and are finite subgroups of , then

    • Idea: Each element can be represented in the form for and as many times as there are elements in .
  • Subgroup Series
