• A field is a commutative division ring.

  • The following axioms hold for a field (which follows from the properties of rings).

    We have operations (addition) and (multiplication)

    • Associativity of Addition:
    • Associativity of Multiplication:
    • Commutativity of Addition:
    • Commutativity of Multiplication:
    • Additive Identity: such that
    • Multiplicative Identity: such that
    • .
    • Additive Inverses such that
    • Multiplicative Inverses: such that .
    • Distributivity .
  • (Fraleigh 19.9) Every field is an Integral Domain

  • (Fraleigh 19.12) If is prime, then is a field

  • A subfield of a field is a subset of the field that is afield under induced operations from the whole fiield. It is a generalization of Subgroup.

    • (Fraleigh e18.49b) The intersection of subfields of a field is again a subfield of
    • A field is an extension field of if .
  • The following hold for ordered fields with positive set and the relation defined as

    • (Fraleigh e25.22)
    • (Fraleigh e25.23)
    • (Fraleigh e25.24) .
  • (Fraleigh 27.6) A field has exactly ideals - and .

    • Proof: Clearly if we have the non-zero ideal, then let be the ideal and . Then
  • (Fraleigh 27.11) A commutative ring with unity is a field if and only if it has no proper nontrivial ideals.

  • An element of a field is an -th root of unity if . It is a primitive -th root of unity if and for .
