• Let and be binary algebraic structures. A bijection is an isomorphism if

    We say (i.e., the groups are isomorphic.

  • A structural property is a property that is preserved under isomorphism.

  • (Fraleigh 8.15) Let and be groups and be a one-to-one function such that . Then the image is a Subgroup of and provides an isomorphism of with . In other words

  • An automorphism is an isomorphism of a group to itself (i.e., )

    • The inner automorphism of by is defined as
      Performing it is called the conjugation of by
    • A conjugate subgroup of is given by
  • As a corollary to (Fraleigh 13.18) a mapping can be shown to be an Isomorphism by showing the following

    • is a homomorphism
    • is onto.
