• A group is defined as a pair consisting of a set and a binary operation on such that the following properties hold:
    • There exists an identity element such that
      • (Fraleigh 4.17) There is only one such identity element.
    • For all , there exists an inverse element such that
      • (Fraleigh 4.17) Every element has only one such inverse element.
    • The binary operation is associative. That is
  • We can denote the group operation as or . The product can be denoted as , or simply . We also have exponentiation which can be denoted as or .

Group Properties

  • The identity element is unique.
  • The inverse of each element is unique.
  • The Cancellation Law. That is we have that
  • Inverse of Products

  • An element is idempotent if . (Fraleigh e4.31) A group has exactly one idempotent element.

    • In fact, this idempotent element is .
  • Multiplication defines a bijection. Let , then there is a bijection that is defined as

    Similarly that is defined as

  • The following formulation for groups called the One Sided Axioms are equivalent to the definition of groups.

    • The binary operation is associative

    • There exists a left inverse for each element such that

    • There exists a left identity such that

  • The order of a group pertains to the number of elements. This is denoted .

    • Frobenius’ Lemma. If is divisible by , then it contains an element of order .
    • Lagrange’s Theorem on Orders If is a finite group, then
  • The order of a group element pertains to the smallest positive integer such that or if no such exists. We denote this by .
