• Let and be binary algebraic structures. A mapping is a homomorphism if

    • The homomorphism property says that the product of the maps is equal to the map of the products.
  • (Fraleigh e13.49) The composition of homomorphisms is a homomorphism.

  • (Fraleigh 13.12) Let be a homomorphism.

    • The identity is preserved. If is the identity of , then is the identity of

    • The inverse is preserved.

    • Subgroups are preserved.

    • Subgroup inverses are preserved

    • (Fraleigh 15.16) Normal groups are preserved.

  • Let be a homomorphism. The kernel of , denoted is defined as the subgroup

    Where is the identity of .

    • We may think of this as the set of points which the homomorphism maps to a singularity
  • (Fraleigh 13.15) If and , then we have the cosets of as

    It follows that the partition of into cosets is the same.

  • (Fraleigh 13.18) A homomorphism is one to one if and only if .

  • (Fraleigh 14.11) The Fundamental Homomorphism Theorem. Every Factor Group gives rise to a natural homomorphism.

    Let be a homomorphism with kernel .

    (Fraleigh 13.20) is a normal subgroup subgroup of

    Then is a group and given by is an isomorphism. In other words

    If is onto, then the isomorphism changes to

    If is the homomorphism given by , then

    We refer to and as the natural isomorphism and natural homomorphism respectively.

  • An isomorphism is a homomorphism that is bijective.

  • An endomorphism is a homomorphism from to itself.
