• Let .

    The left coset of containing is defined as

    and the right coset of containing is defined as

  • (Fraleigh 10.1) The cosets partition a group into equivalence classes.

    • More specifically the left coset expresses the equivalence relation

    • The right coset expresses

  • (Fraleigh e10.34) There are the same number of left and right cosets of a subgroup . That is, we can establish a one-to-one map between left and right cosets.

    • Intuition: Note that and that the inverse is unique. Map to
  • Every coset of a subgroup has the same number of elements as .

  • Let .

    The double coset is the set defined as

    • This forms an equivalence class where if and only if there exists and such that .

Group Index

  • Let , the number of left cosets of in is called the index of and . This is denoted .
  • (Fraleigh 10.14) Let such that and suppose and are both finite. Then is finite and
