be a connected graph. A spanning tree is a tree contained in such that it includes all the vertices of . -
A spanning forest is a collection of spanning trees
(Wilson 9.3) Let
be a spanning forest of a connected graph. Each cycle of contains an edge in common with the cotree -
(Wilson 9.3a) Let
be a spanning forest. Each cut-set of has an edge in common with -
(Wilson 9.3a.z) Let
be a spanning tree of a connected graph. Each cut-set of contains an edge in common with . -
(Wilson 9.3x) Every edge
is included in some spanning forest of . -
(Wilson e9.10a) - Let
be a set of edges of a graph . If has an edge in common with each spanning forest, then contains a cut-set- Intuition: Performing an edge deletion
by definition will disconnect . It follows, there must be a minimal set in which is out cut-set.
- Intuition: Performing an edge deletion
(Wilson 33.5) A graph
contains edge-disjoint spanning forests if and only if for each subgraphwhere
and denote the number of edges of and respectively
Minimum Spanning Forest
be a connected weighted graph. A Minimum Spanning Tree is a spanning tree wherein the total weight of all the edges in the spanning tree is minimized. -
be a weighted graph. The Minimum Spanning Forest is a spanning forest wherein the total weight of all the edges included in the spanning forest is minimized. -
MST Cut Property - for any cut-set
, if the weight of an edge is strictly smaller than the weights of all other edges in , then this edge belongs to an MST of the graph.-
Proof: Suppose there is an MST
that does not include . Adding will produce a cycle that contains some other edge . By the hypothesisClearly,
is another MST but it will have smaller weight.
MST Cycle Property - For any cycle
in the graph, if the weight of an edge of is larger than any of the individual weights of all other edges of , then this edge is not in the MST.-
Proof: Let
be some MST in .Now, performing the deletion
yields two subtrees so that the two ends of are now in different subtrees.Form
as follows. Add some other edge so thatBut we know by the theorem
, so is a spanning tree andwhich is a contradiction.
MST Uniqueness - Let
be a Graph with each edge having a distinct weight, there will be one and only one unique minimum spanning tree.-
Proof: We do a proof by contradiction. Suppose there are in fact two MSTs,
and that are distinct.Since
and are distinct, there must be at least 1 edge that is in one but not the other. Say .Since
is a spanning tree, adding to introduces some cycle withNow
has no cycles so there exists an edge in and by extension , that is not in . Call this edgeNow, in
replace edge with edge . Clearly so which is a contradiction since was an MST.
We can find the MST using Kruskal’s algorithm