
  • In the context of reinforcement learning, Monte Carlo Methods are those that require no prior knowledge about the environment, and where the agent learns from experience. The agent can also simply learn the values of a sample of the state space.
  • It is based on averaging sample returns. On each state, simulate episodes starting from that state and average the returns from each state.
  • Each estimate from each state is treated independent. The estimate from one state does not depend on the estimate from subsequent states.
  • The problem framed this way is analogous to having many interrelated bandit problems with a non-stationary distribution (since everything is learnt).
  • Batching pertains to processing multiple episodes before performing a single update. This is also applicable for Temporal Difference Learning.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Monte Carlo methods find optimal policies given only sample episodes and no other knowledge of the environment’s dynamics unlike DP.

  • Because it does not perform bootstrapping, Monte Carlo is not susceptible to violations of the Markov Property.

  • It can operate only on a sample of states, and thus does not require estimating the value of all states in the state space.

  • One disadvantage is that it has to simulate the entire episode which may not be applicable in continuous tasks or long tasks.

    • It posits that an optimal action could have been taken anywhere in the episode.
  • Another disadvantage is that Monte Carlo tends to overfit the data by converging to a model of the environment that minimizes the error seen in the training data.

  • Compared to Temporal Difference Learning, Monte Carlo follows Frequentist Statistics hence it is only better on existing data but not future data.

Estimating Action Values

  • Let be a policy and

    be an estimator of the value of action at state .

    We say is visited if during an episode, it has been encountered.

    • In every visit Monte-Carlo, estimate as the average of the returns that have followed all the visits to , counting all states.
    • In first-visit Monte Carlo, estimate as the average of the returns but only after has been visited for the first time.
  • Let denote the time steps of interest.

    • For first visit, this would be every time step where the state was visited first in its episode.
    • For every visit, this would be all time steps where the state is visited.
  • Both First Visit and Every Visit Monte Carlo converge to the true value function as samples are chosen.

  • The backup for a Monte Carlo approach is just a straight path which follows the trajectory of an episode.

  • In a Monte Carlo approach, it is better to use the action values since state values are insufficient for determining the policy when the model is unknown.

  • Some state-action pairs may not be explored as much so we must maintain exploration.

    • One way is through the assumption of exploring starts where episodes start on a state-action pair and every pair has a nonzero probability of being selected at the start.
    • Another is by having a stochastic policy that can select any state-action pair with nonzero probability. That way eventually all state-action pairs are considered.

Monte Carlo Control

  • Similar to Dynamic Programming, the Monte Carlo process involves cycling between policy evaluation and improvement using approximate value functions and policies.

    • Evaluation is done by estimating the action values of the given policy.
      • Although action-value estimation is done with multiple episodes, implementations alternate the evaluation with improvement on an episode-by-episode basis.
    • Improvement is done by greedily selecting the best action with respect to the current value function. That is, selecting
  • By the Policy Improvement Theorem (see here), the Monte Carlo approach converges to the optimal policy and value function.

Optimization and Relaxation

  • To be amenable to computation, we should relax the assumption of requiring an infinite number of episodes.

    • This can be done by either setting a bound on the improvement of the estimate and terminating evaluation when this is sufficiently small. The problem is this may still require many episodes for true convergence
    • An alternative is to run evaluation for one iteration, for one episode. Here, the flow goes — run episode, evaluate once , improve once, repeat.
      • Convergence of this approach to the optimal policy is an open problem.
  • Additionally ,we may need to remove the assumption of exploring starts since there are possibly many state action pairs.

    • One way is through on-policy methods where we improve the policy for decision making.
      • The idea of this approach is to still make use of GPI, however we change the policy to be -greedy rather than greedy on .
      • Convergence is assured via the Policy Improvement Theorem.
      • The existence of an optimal policy is guaranteed by the fact that the following policies have equivalent value functions:
        • The -greedy policy found through Monte Carlo policy iteration
        • The regular greedy policy found through GPI, but where the environment is modified to “randomize” the actions of the policy chosen with probability. 1

Off-Policy Methods

  • See here for more on off-policy. Note that we make use of Importance Sampling

  • Ordinary and Weighted importance sampling for First-Visit MC are subject to bias variance tradeoff. Ordinary has low bias, high variance (often infinite) Weighted has high bias, low variance (though the bias converges to ).

  • For Every-Visit MC, both ordinary and weighted importance sampling are biased but this bias converges asymptotically to .


  • Sutton and Barto Ch. 5
    • 5.3 - more on Monte Carlo with Exploring Starts.
    • 5.4 - the mathematical formulation of Monte Carlo without Exploring Starts.
    • 5.6 - an incremental implementation of off-policy Monte Carlo using importance sampling.
    • 5.7 - an implementation of off-policy Monte Carlo.


  1. See more at Sutton and Barto Ch. 5.4