• Rationale: We often have memory constraints that do not allow us to explore large state spaces. Hence we sample from a small state space.

    • However, we need a way to make decisions on unsampled states using those that we have sampled. This is done via function approximation
    • This is, in fact, Supervised Learning. It makes changes generalizable but controlling them more complex.
      • It should be noted, that we must make use of models that can handle non-stationarity.
      • Nonstationarity comes in either because the environment is non-stationary or because of bootstrapping which makes our estimates change.
    • It also make RL extensible to partially observable problems where states are not fully visible to the agent.
    • It cannot augment states with memories of past observations.
  • A tradeoff with functional approximation is we can no longer use the policy improvement theorem.


  • We represent the value function as a parameterized functional form with weight vector . We denote

    for the approximate function of state with weight vector .

    • Note, assume we have more states than weights. This assumption is founded on the fact we have more states than actions.
  • We may do something similar for the action value function. That is

  • We specify a state distribution which specifies how much we care about errors in value estimates for state . We denote this with .

    • We require this state distribution because state updates can affect other states.
    • Making one state accurate makes the estimations for other states inaccurate.
    • We often choose to be the fraction of time spent on .


  • The objective function is called the mean square value error (MSVE) defined as

    • Note minimizing MSVE does not necessarily give optimal policies . Our goal is always to find the best policy, not the best value function.
  • We can generalize the notion of comparing policies with the following norm

  • A geometric way to view things is where value functions are functions parameterized with weight vector . Different approaches implicitly make use of different characterizations for the solution.

    • In a geometric view, Monte Carlo’s solution is found by using projections towards the closest policy (as defined below using projection matrix .

    • An alternative is the Bellman Error obtained by substituting for in the Bellman equations and computing the difference

      Aka, it is the expected TD-error.

    • The vector of all Bellman errors at all states is the Bellman error vector. It can be seen as a result of applying the Bellman operator to the approximate value function so that

    • The norm of the Bellman Error vector can be used as a measure of error called the Mean square Bellman error

    • In an approximation context, we only deal with representable value functions. Those that cannot be represented are instead projected onto the subspace. The mean square projected Bellman error measures this

    • The mean square return error is the expectation, under of the square of the error between value estimate and return.


  • A value function is learnable if given any amount of experience, we converge to the optimal / true value function.

  • The Bellman Error is not learnable unless we have access to the underlying model itself.

  • The VE objective is not learnable - given two MDPs that give the same streams of experience, we cannot distinguish between them from the experience stream alone.

    • Still, the parameter that optimizes VE is learnable. This follows from using the mean square return error. Observe how RE is just VE but with a variance term independent of .
  • PBE and TDE are determined from data and are learnable. However, note they have different minima.



  • Sutton and Barto
    • 9.1 - 9.2 - the objectives of function approximation
    • 11.4 - more on the geometry of the value function.
    • 11.6 - why the Bellman Error is not learnable.
  • Reinforcement Learning