Factory Physics is the study of the underlying behavior of manufacturing systems. It allows us to identify optimizations, design new systems, and balance tradeoffs to coordinate policies from disparate areas.
- Low-level operations details have always had strategic consequences for manufacturing firms.
- The answer to the problem of operations management is not what to do about manufacturing problems, but how to think about them
- Factory physics is founded on — Problem solving, Technical details, and Well-developed intuition about the manufacturing processes.
- We make use of prescriptive models based on provided assumptions. In this sense, all laws in Factory Physics are tautologies. These assumptions, however, can be validated with empirical evidence.
Factory Physics is a scientific approach.
- The scientific approach gives a set of tools for understanding the system.
- Science offers precision using the language of Mathematics.
- Science offers intuition about the world around us.
- Science facilitates synthesis of disparate perspectives.