• In learning Mathematics, prioritize understanding the definitions first using examples if needed. Then, understand what the theorems are saying. Finally, understand the proofs on why a theorem should be true (analogous to the three pass approach)

  • The Ansatz Technique pertains to solving a problem using an educated guess or assumption about the solution which may later be verified to be part of the solution.

  • The Percentages Trick: of is the same as of .

  • Problem Solving is applicable to all of mathematics.


Unfiled Math Objects

  • Let be a set of real numbers. The geometric mean is defined as follows:

  • Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem - If is a continuous function from the domain to itself, then there exists at least one value for which .

  • Kakutani’s Fixed Point Theorem - A correspondence has a fixed point if four conditions are satisfied

    • is a non-empty, compact, and convex subset of
    • is non-empty for all
    • is convex for all
    • has a closed graph.
  • A Bipartite Network Projection is an operation for simplifying a bipartite graph.

    Let be bipartitions of the bipartite graph. Then, its projection on * is defined as a graph whose nodes are the same as the vertices of , and two nodes are connected if and only if they are linked to the same node in .

    A similar projection on can also be defined.

  • For any integer , the following holds

    For any integer and integers
