• - number of machines in a workstation

  • - number of laborers

  • - WIP level

  • - buffer level.

  • - batch size

  • - maximum batch size

  • - time (usually denotes average time)

  • - rate

  • - Capacity

  • - Throughput

  • - Cycle Time

  • - cycle time of the -th station given WIP level of

  • - Work in Process

  • - Wait in batch time

  • - Utilization

  • - bottleneck rate

  • - raw process time

  • - critical WIP

  • - demand

  • - pertaining to best case
  • - pertaining to worst case
  • - pertaining to practical worst case
  • - pertaining to a CONWIP line

  • - coefficient of variation

  • - availability

  • - mean time to failure

  • - mean time to repair

  • - natural process time

  • - natural process rate

  • - effective mean process time

  • - effective capacity

  • - setup time

  • - pertaining to setups

  • - pertaining to arrivals

  • - pertaining to departures

  • - pertaining to a queue.

  • - pertaining to a quantity measured under ideal conditions

  • - pertaining to a practical (what can be observed) quantity.

  • - throughput efficiency
  • - utilization efficiency
  • - inventory efficiency
  • - cycle time efficiency
  • - lead time efficiency
  • - service efficiency
  • - quality efficiency
