ConstructGraph TheoryLinear Algebra
Independent SetSubgraphsLinearly Independent Sets
BasisSpanning ForestsBasis
CyclesCyclesLinearly Dependent Sets
RankCut-set RankRank
CorankCycle RankNullity
LoopsLoop EdgesNull Spaces

Notation Guide

  • - a generic matroid
  • - matroid dual

  • - the underlying set of a matroid.
  • - cycle (default), co-independent set
  • - cocycle
  • - basis
  • - cobasis
  • - independent set
  • - rank of .
  • - rank function
  • - rank function of the dual

  • - graphic matroid
  • - cographic matroid.
  • - Transversal Matroid
  • - -uniform matroid over a set of elements

  • - Matroid contraction
  • - Matroid restriction
  • - union of two matroids

