The Spectral Theorem states that for any normal (in
) or self-adjoint (in ) linear operator, there exists a simpler canonical form. The canonical form is obtained by decomposing the linear operator as a series of projections onto orthogonal eigenspaces. -
(Friedberg 6.24) Spectral Theorem. Suppose that
is a linear operator on a finite dimensional inner product space over . Assume that is normal if and is self-adjoint if . If
are the distinct eigenvalues of , let be the eigenspace of corresponding to eigenvalue and let be the orthogonal projection on . Then - If
denotes the direct sum of the subspaces of , , then for . This decomposition is called the resolution of the identity operator induced by . The decomposition of this sum is called the spectral decomposition. - The spectral decomposition is unique.
- If
is the union of orthonormal bases of the s and then
(Friedberg 6.24.1) If
then is normal if and only if for some polynomial . -
(Friedberg 6.24.2) If
, then is unitary if and only if is normal and for every -
(Friedberg 6.24.3) If
and is normal, then is self-adjoint if and only if every eigenvalue of is real. -
(Friedberg 6.24.4) Let
have a spectral decomposition of . Then each is a polynomial in -
(Friedberg e6.6.7) Let
be a normal operator and a linear operator on a finite dimensional complex inner product space . Let be a spectral decomposition of .- If
is a polynomial then - If
for some then commutes with if and only if commutes with each- If
is normal and commutes with then if we have as (not necessarily distinct) eigenvalues of , - There exists a normal operator
on such that is invertible if is a projection if and only if every eigenvalue of is or . if and only if every is an imaginary number.
- If
- [[Linear Algebra by Friedberg Insel and Spence|Friedberg, Insel and Spence]/]