- Rationale: Regular PGM- based approaches are difficult because (1) it can be difficult to learn a centralized value function that scales with exponential action space; and (2) centralized value functions do not imply efficient decentralized execution. [^valdec_1]
The goal is to decompose the following where
is the common reward. -
A simpler utility function can be used for each agent, conditioned only on individual observation history and actions. We denote this with
The Individual-Global-Max (IGM) property states that greedy joint actions with respect to the centralized action-value function should be equal to the joint action composed of the greedy individual actions of all agents that maximize their individual utilities.
More formally, define both forms of greedy actions as follows
The IGM property is satisfied if the following holds for all histories
with joint observation histories . individual observation histories and centralized information . -
Because of IGM, we can have all agents follow a policy based on their local utility (which is more efficient to compute) and it would be equivalent to the original Centralized Value Function-based policy
It also helps establish reward credit since the reward is “common” to all agents.
The IGM property is not necessarily satisfied for all environments
Linear Value Decomposition
Assume a linear decomposition of common rewards. That is
The decomposition is as follows. It is guaranteed to satisfy the IGM property
Value Decomposition Networks (VDN) maintain a replay buffer containing the experience of all agents and jointly optimizes the loss function
Monotonic Value Decomposition
Extends Linear Value Decomposition to apply to cases when the contribution of each agent to the common reward is non-linear.
QMIX extends VDN by ensuring that the centralized action-value function is strictly monotonic with respect to individual utilities. That is
- In other words the utility of any agent for its action must increase the decomposed centralized action value function.
QMIX uses a mixing network which is simply a standard feedforward Neural Network
that combines individual utilities- To ensure monotonicity, we assume the mixing network only allows for positive weights.
is obtained using a hypernetworks , which also receives as input. When it outputs , it applies an absolute value. Because the hypernetwork receives as input, we add to the replay buffer.- The loss function optimized is
Monotonic Value Decomposition only provides a sufficient condition but not a necessary condition.
The following decomposition gives both sufficient and necessary (under affine transformations) conditions.
is the greedy joint action , is the unrestricted centralized action-value function, and denotes a utility function -
is conditioned on centralized information since the individual utility functions of each agent may lack information (especially if the environment is partially observable). -
QTRAN trains a network that optimizes the following:
- For each agent, their individual utility functions
- A single network for the global utility function
- A single network for the centralized action-value function
- For each agent, their individual utility functions
For the centralized action-value function the following loss function (a TD-error) is minimized
For the utility functions, we minimize additional regularization terms given by the following (for the first case in the condition specified above where
) -
For the second case, we apply the following
- QTRAN gas a few limitations
- It does not scale well due to relying on joint action space
- It does not directly enforce the necessary and sufficient conditions for IGM, instead using regularization terms. Hence, IGM is not guaranteed.
1 suggest that representational constraints on the joint action values lead to poor exploration and suboptimality. This is because none of these methods are able to perform committed exploration wherein a specific set of actions (probabilistically unlikely to be chosen in that exact sequence )are required to perform further exploration
The monotonicity constraint can prevent the Q-network from correctly remembering the true value of the optimal action (currently perceived as suboptimal
Multi-Agent Variational Exploration learns an ensemble of monotonic approximations of QMIX via latent space representation
Each model can be seen as a mode of committed joint exploration.
A shared latent variable
is controlled by a hierarchical policy that offloads -greedy with committed exploration. Fixing gives a monotonic approximation to the optimal action-value function. -
The loss function becomes as follows
A hierarchical policy objective is obtained through parameter freezing
Another objective makes use of mutual information to encourage diverse but identifiable behavior among policies derived from
. The actions in the trajectory are encoded by an RNN. is an operator that returns a per-agent Boltzmann policy with respect to the utilities at each time step .A tractable lower bound is provided using a variational distribution
parameterized by as a proxy for the posterior over .
The complete objective is the following
- Albrecht, Christianos, and Schafer - Ch. 9
- 9.5.2 - derivation of Linear Value Decomposition as well as a proof of it satisfying the IGM property.
Mahajan, Rashid, Samvelyan, Whiteson (2020) MAVEN: Multi-Agent Variational Exploration ↩