Parameters in an MVN
- Assume MVN prior for mean, and Inverse Wishart for covariance. We get multivariate T posterior for mean, and Inverse Wishart posterior for covariance.
- The above assumption shows how using the Inverse Wishart simplifies things because it is a conjugate prior
Defining Conjugate Priors
and the data are complete. -
Assume the likelihood and prior of the distribution of
are normally distributed. -
We have the following estimate for the posterior mean, which is normally distributed
Assume the likelihood and the prior of the covariance matrix are distributed based on the inverse Wishart distribution
We have the following estimate for the posterior covariance which is also inverse Wishart
MAP Estimation
The MAP estimate is given by
If we have a proper informative prior, we can rewrite the MAP estimate as
controls the shrinkage towards the prior -
The prior covariance
is determined using the MLE covariance. In obtaining We shrink off diagonal elements towards . This is shrinkage estimation or regularized estimation. - One benefit of this is that the eigenvalues of the MAP estimate are closer to the true matrix rather than the MLE. However, this does not affect eigenvectors.
Univariate Posterior
In the univariate posterior, we make use of the inverse-chi squared distribution as our posterior and prior distributions.
The posterior becomes
Assume the prior and likelihood follow a Normal Inverse Chi Squared distribution
The posterior is simply the Normal Inverse Chi-Squared distribution with updated parameters
The posterior marginal for
follows the Inverse Chi Squared distribution -
The posterior marginal for
follows a Student T-distribution
Bayesian T-Test
If we assume an uninformative prior, we get a derivation for the Student t-test. We have
is the sample variance. -
The test then constitutes computing the probability
We can simplify the posterior further using the t-statistic
And if
, we have -
Note: Here, we assume that
is known, and parameter is unknown. The frequentist approach reverses the roles.
Multivariate Posterior
Assume the prior follows a Normal Inverse Wishartdistribution
Assume the likelihood is given by
Which is simply the product of the Gaussian and the Inverse-Wishart.
The posterior is simply the Normal-Inverse-Wishart distribution with updated parameters.
The posterior marginal for
follows the Inverse Wishart distribution. -
The posterior marginal for
follows a multivariate Student T distribution -
The posterior predictive is given by a Student-T distribution
- Murphy Ch. 4.6
- Gaussian Models - more on Gaussian models
- Probability Distributions Zoo - more on the Gaussian, Wishart, and Inverse Wishart.