• 1 present a MARL approach for Flexible Manufacturing systems that can process multiple product types.
    • The paper addresses the problem of scheduling when the environment complexity increases and when product types require distinctive workflows.
    • The paper proposes a combination of Game Theoretic and MARL-based approaches
      • A Nash game handles the interactions between robots to design collaboration cost functions.
      • A MADDPG system determines the actions of each agent.
      • The overall action of each agent is dependent on the strategy chosen in the Nash game and by the MADDPG policy.
  • 2 shows the use of MARL for analyzing and predicting the evolution of social networks. Each node represents a rational agent in an RL setting.
    • The goal is to design explainable reward and policy functions. Each agent’s policy is to add or remove edges or change their attributes.
    • The NetEvolve system consists of three phases:
      • Learn the reward function for each node.
        • The reward function consists of a linear combination of interpretable features and represents the desirability of the network to each node.
        • The weights used in the reward function are learnt.
        • Optimization is done by assuming that the input time series evolution of the network is optimized.
      • Learn the policy for each node. The policy expresses the tendency to change attributes and edges.
      • Predict future networks based on the multi-agent simulation using learned policies.
  • 3 proposes a MARL-based approach for Lineless Mobile Assembly Systems.
    • The paper addresses the following related problems
      • The layout problem (since Mobile Assembly systems have a flexible factory layout). The goal is to determine the layout plan and minimize the cost of rearranging facilities.
      • Job shop Scheduling Problem. In particular, the Flexible Job Shop Problem.
    • The control approach used is an asynchronous, cooperative, heterogeneous MARL
      • The control algorithm determines the placement of stations (coordinates of the station in the environment) and the scheduling of jobs
      • The Discrete Event Simulator requests decisions from the RL algorithm.
        • The layout planner solves the layout problem by computing the placement of each station per decision step, given the state vector (as encoded by the encoder)
        • The scheduling agent solves the flexible job shop problem. The agent computes the next station, process pairing for each job.
    • The paper uses Multi agent PPO.
  • 4 proposes a Transformer-based multi actor-critic framework for active voltage control. It also aims to stabilize the training process of MARL algorithms with a transformer.
    • The network operates on a power distribution network (represented as a graph).
    • Raw observations are projected into an embedding space. Since it operates on a graph, it makes use of the adjacency matrix as additional positional information. This information is then fed to a transformer
    • A GRU is used to project the representation to an action.
Transformer-Based MADDPG. Image taken from Wang, Zhou Li (2022)
  • 5 gives a survey for multi-robot search and rescue systems.
    • Typical agents in SAR include
      • UAVs - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Typically characterized by cameras as sensors due to their size and weight.
      • UGVs - Unmanned Ground Vehicles. Typically characterized with dexterous manipulation capabilities and robust against uneven terrain
      • USV - Unmanned Surface Vehicles. They operate on the water’s surface.
      • UUV - Unmanned Underwater Vehicle. They operate underwater.
    • Interoperability is one challenge in SAR robotics where different types of agents coordinate with each other.
    • Common environments for SAR can be divided into three: Maritime, Urban, and Wilderness.
    • Common challenges for multi-agent SAR include
      • Visual detection especially over vast areas of search or low visibility settings.
      • Long distance operation
      • Localization / SLAM considering unknown, unstructured environments
      • Establishing long-term communication, and transmitting messages over potentially long distances.
      • Large search areas.
      • Navigation over uneven or unforgiving terrain.
    • Some avenues for research include:
      • Victim identification, Human condition awareness and triage protocols
      • Human-Swarm Interaction and Collaboration
      • Multi-Agent Coordination, including task allocation, path planning, area coverage, exploration, and general planning (both in a centralized and decentralized manner)
      • Online Learning
      • Multi-Objective, Multi-Agent optimization.
      • Agent Perception (see Computer Vision).
      • Making solutions less computationally heavy.
      • Multimodal Information fusion
      • Active Perception - agents develop an understanding of “why” it senses, chooses “what” to perceive, and then “how, when and where” (see an analogous system)
      • Shared Autonomy
      • Closing the gap between simulations and reality.
      • Heterogeneous swarms that are
        • Interoperable — different kinds of robots can coordinate with each other
        • Ad hoc — the types of robots are not predefined
        • Situationally aware — agents are aware of the variety of robots being used.


  1. Waseem and Chang (2024) From Nash Q-learning to nash-MADDPG: Advancements in multiagent control for multiproduct flexible manufacturing systems

  2. Miyake et al. (2024) NetEvolve: Social Network Forecasting using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Interpretable Features

  3. Kaven et al. Multi agent reinforcement learning for online layout planning and scheduling in flexible assembly systems

  4. Wang, Zhou, and Li (2022) Stabilizing Voltage in Power Distribution Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Transformer

  5. Queralta et al. (2020) Collaborative Multi-Robot Search and Rescue: Planning, Coordination, Perception, and Active Vision