- The Invisible Hand dictates that economies are generally predictable even if they are Complex Systems.
- This holds for as long as two principles hold
- That there is enough competition among buyers and sellers
- That all agents in the economy operate with rationality.
- It also suggests that Pareto optimality can be achieved even among selfish agents 1
- Supply and demand reveal themselves through the behaviors of producers and consumers.
- This holds for as long as two principles hold
- All choices are governed by tradeoffs due to scarcity of resources
- Every market is more or less subject to the laws of supply and demand. We can analyze the dynamics of the market using a four step process that analyzes the relationship between the two.
- Identify the supply and demand curves and the equilibrium point
- Decide whether the economic change affects supply and demand
- Decide how it affects supply or demand (does it induce a shift to the right or the left) . If there are multiple variables and effects, analyze each individually.
- Compare the new equilibrium to the old equilibrium
Consider an economic system with
agents and resources. Assume we have a price vector
corresponding to the price of each commodity, and an allocation matrix where represents the amount of resource allocated to agent . Each agent also has an endowment
and a utility function The Competitive (Walrasian) equilibrium
satisfies the following properties. - The allocation is feasible
: - All agents maximize their utilities under the budget induced by the prices.
- The allocation is feasible
- Principles of Economics by Shapiro, MacDonald and Greenlaw
- Thinking Fast And Slow - helps in understanding why people act the way they do.