• Economics is the study of how human make decisions in the face of scarcity. Scarcity means that wants exceed available resources.

General Quantities

  • Marginal analysis is just a discretized form of the derivative.
    • Example: The marginal cost with respect to quantity is

    • Notation: For convenience, when we say, the marginal with respect to , we mean

      By default, assume is quantity

      We may also write this as a derivative as .

The Market

  • The division of labor means that the way one produces a good or service is divided into a number of tasks that different workers perform rather than one person doing al the tasks.
    • Division of labor counters scarcity.
    • Division of labor increases production for three reasons 1
      • Specialization of workers on tasks they are well suited for, which makes them more effective.
      • Specialization leads to a feedback loop where workers learn to produce more quickly and with higher quality. This also leads to innovation.
      • Specialization takes advantage of economies of scale where as production increases, the average cost of production for each individual unit decreases.
    • This necessitates trade because each individual specializes and must exchange their services for other needs that they are unable to produce.
  • A simple economic model is the Circular Flow Model
Circular Flow Model. Taken from Shapiro, MacDonald and Greenlaw
  • Economies can be organized into different ways.
    • Traditional - what you produce is what you consume. It is driven by tradition and there is little economic progress or development
    • Command - economic effort is devoted to goals passed down from the government, which dictates what gets produced and what gets consumed.
    • Markets - decision making is decentralized and is based on markets — institutions that bring buyers and sellers together.
      • Private enterprises own and operate production based on supply and demand.
      • Income is based on the ability to convert resources into something socially beneficial.
      • Market-oriented economies have fewer regulations, often just enough to facilitate fair trade.
      • Markets allocate goods to the people who value them the most, under the assumption that the value of the good is easily understood by all market participants.
    • Underground / Black Market - often present in heavily regulated economies. This market is unregulated.


  • Tax Incidence - the analysis of how tax burdens can be divided between consumers and producers




  1. According to Adam Smith

  2. From John Maynard Keynes