
  • For algorithms, the input size is usually defined as the amount of information (i.e. bits) needed to represent the provided inputs in a manner sufficient of the problem.

  • To simplify analysis, we typically use Models of Computation.

  • We can define an order of growth function for the running time of an algorithm which gives a simple characterization of the algorithm’s efficiency and allows for comparing with other algorithms. This function is dependent on input size.

  • We typically make use of Asymptotic Analysis applied to .

  • In analyzing algorithms and proving correctness, it is often helpful to observe invariants.

  • The Divide and Conquer Paradigm involves solving a problem recursively by applying the following steps at each level of recursion: 1

    • Divide the problem into subproblems that are instances of the larger problem
    • Conquer the subproblems by solving them recursively, up until a base case
    • Combine the solutions of the subproblems into the solution for the original problem.
  • Randomized Algorithms are those that apply randomness either to the input or in the process of executing the algorithm itself
  • Randomized algorithms are typically tied to Probabilistic Analysis where we operate on the entire distribution of possible inputs
    • When dealing with analysis of Randomized algorithms, we typically assume that all possible inputs are equally likely.

List of Topics



  1. Divide and Conquer is inherently tied to recurrence relations. In practice, when we use recurrence relations we usually make simplifying assumptions that ignore inconvenient technical details (floors and ceilings) and boundary conditions.