- A collection of notes and insights on how to procedurally generate a world (i.e., how Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress do it)
Noise Based Generation
- Consider how we store map data.
- All methods of storage revolve around discretizing the representation in some form and generating data based on this representation 1
- Some options for discretizing include using Voronoi maps (hard to manipulate but smoother) and Tiled Arrays (easier to manipulate but may look artificial)
With regards to generating map data, we require some form of noise function.
- Complexity is achieved by stacking layers of noise on top of each other.
- Noise has a few parameters:
- Frequency - controls the level of “zoom” that the noise function exhibits. More specifically, it bounds the gradient at each point in the map. Higher frequency means a finer level of detail
- Wavelength - inversely proportional to frequency. Dictates the distance between seemingly repeating patterns in the map / noise function used.
- Octaves - the number of frequencies we stack on top of each other. Each generated frequency is weighted with a corresponding amplitude. For example
can be normalized to be between and .
- One thing to be wary of is any visual artifact due to the noise function used
- Each term in an octave may overlap with each other and produce artifacts.
- Note: Perlin Noise is not uniformly distributed. It roughly follows a Gaussian Distribution.
More Noise Functions. These are typically build off of Perlin Noise
For maps, we can make use of curves (i.e., exponentiation curves) to exaggerate differences between troughs and crests.
Generate biomes and climates using multiple maps that are related to each other.
- Some examples of maps to use:
- Temperature
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Moisture
- Level of insolation, including seasonal effects
- Latitude / Longitude.
- We use some form of thresholding to differentiate biomes based on the values of the different maps and our rules for what biome corresponds to each combination of condition.
- Some examples of maps to use:
Map generation can be viewed algorithmically as a pipeline for transforming or interpreting noise map data. Each transformation in this pipeline is some function
Islands on the map can be generated by using a shaping function. It takes the distance between a center point. The output of the shaping function is then used to weight the value of the map.
We can also apply redistribution functions which act on the value in the map and remaps them to a new value. Some examples:
- Create ridges by accentuating the middle.
- Make the map more discretized (using a staircase function).
If we want to have the map wrap around, in such a way that the map remains continuous at the wrap around points, we can generate the map with a cylindrical, toroidal, or spherical projection in mind.
- One approach is to generate the map one dimension higher, create a loop in this high dimensional space, and then project down to our desired dimension.
Key Algorithms
- Perlin Noise
- Wavelet Noise
Simulation Based Approaches
- Undiscovered Worlds - Guidelines for Procedurally generated worlds
- Red Blob Games Making Maps with Noise functions
- Azgaar’s Blog on Procedural Worlds
Analogous to Computer Graphics which makes use of vertices. In fact, we may think of terrain as a mesh and the vertices as our sample points ↩