• A collection of notes and insights on how to procedurally generate a world (i.e., how Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress do it)

Noise Based Generation

  • Consider how we store map data.
    • All methods of storage revolve around discretizing the representation in some form and generating data based on this representation 1
    • Some options for discretizing include using Voronoi maps (hard to manipulate but smoother) and Tiled Arrays (easier to manipulate but may look artificial)
  • With regards to generating map data, we require some form of noise function.

    • Complexity is achieved by stacking layers of noise on top of each other.
    • Noise has a few parameters:
      • Frequency - controls the level of “zoom” that the noise function exhibits. More specifically, it bounds the gradient at each point in the map. Higher frequency means a finer level of detail
      • Wavelength - inversely proportional to frequency. Dictates the distance between seemingly repeating patterns in the map / noise function used.
      • Octaves - the number of frequencies we stack on top of each other. Each generated frequency is weighted with a corresponding amplitude. For example
        can be normalized to be between and .
    • One thing to be wary of is any visual artifact due to the noise function used
      • Each term in an octave may overlap with each other and produce artifacts.
    • Note: Perlin Noise is not uniformly distributed. It roughly follows a Gaussian Distribution.
  • More Noise Functions. These are typically build off of Perlin Noise

  • For maps, we can make use of curves (i.e., exponentiation curves) to exaggerate differences between troughs and crests.

  • Generate biomes and climates using multiple maps that are related to each other.

    • Some examples of maps to use:
      • Temperature
      • Atmospheric Pressure
      • Moisture
      • Level of insolation, including seasonal effects
      • Latitude / Longitude.
    • We use some form of thresholding to differentiate biomes based on the values of the different maps and our rules for what biome corresponds to each combination of condition.
  • Map generation can be viewed algorithmically as a pipeline for transforming or interpreting noise map data. Each transformation in this pipeline is some function

  • Islands on the map can be generated by using a shaping function. It takes the distance between a center point. The output of the shaping function is then used to weight the value of the map.

  • We can also apply redistribution functions which act on the value in the map and remaps them to a new value. Some examples:

    • Create ridges by accentuating the middle.
    • Make the map more discretized (using a staircase function).
  • If we want to have the map wrap around, in such a way that the map remains continuous at the wrap around points, we can generate the map with a cylindrical, toroidal, or spherical projection in mind.

Key Algorithms

  • Perlin Noise
  • Wavelet Noise

Simulation Based Approaches



  1. Analogous to Computer Graphics which makes use of vertices. In fact, we may think of terrain as a mesh and the vertices as our sample points