• - graph.
  • - directed graph

  • - vertex set (of )
  • - edge set (of )
  • - arc set of directed graph .
  • - adjacency relation
  • - edge
  • - generic edge.
  • - generic vertex
  • - weight of edge in weighted graph.

  • - usually denotes the size of the vertex set.
  • - usually denotes the size of the edge / arc set.
  • - usually denotes the number of components.

  • - adjacency matrix of
  • - incidence matrix of
  • - degree matrix of
  • - Laplacian matrix of
  • - edge Laplacian matrix of .
  • - weight matrix of
  • - weight of the weighted graph .

  • - is isomorphic to
  • - is a subgraph of .
  • - is a proper subgraph of .
  • - induced subgraph on the set
  • - complement of the graph.
  • - union of two graphs
  • - intersection of two graphs.
  • - boundary of the induced subgraph .
  • - closure of
  • - sum of graphs.
  • - oriented graph. Specifically is strongly oriented (or such an orientation is defined)
  • - the Cartesian product of and .

  • - null graph on vertices.
  • - complete graph on vertices.
  • - complete bipartite graph.
  • - path of vertices
  • - cycle of vertices
  • - generic cycle
  • - generic cut-set related to cycle

  • - edge addition, assuming is an edge set
  • - edge contraction.
  • - edge deletion, assuming is an edge set
  • - vertex deletion, assuming is a vertex set

  • - degree of vertex
  • - minimum degree of .
  • - maximum degree of .
  • - indegree of vertex
  • - outdegree of vertex
  • - neighborhood of vertex or vertex set .
  • - density of .
  • - number of components of
  • - vertex connectivity of .
  • - edge connectivity of

  • - generic tree.
  • - cotree.
  • - cut-set rank
  • - cycle rank
  • - number of spanning trees in .
  • - the set of all spanning trees rooted in . For digraphs, defaults to arborescences.

  • - algebraic dual
  • - crossing number
  • - genus
  • - thickness

  • - chromatic polynomial
  • - chromatic number
  • - chromatic index.

  • - distance between and .
  • - diameter of the graph
  • - betweenness centrality of edge .
  • - link betweenness centrality of edge
  • - clustering coefficient of vertex

  • - in flow networks, denotes flow or pseudoflow (default is flow)
  • - in flow networks, denotes capacity
  • - denotes the value of a flow
  • - source vertex
  • - sink vertex

  • - the topological overlap matrix between vertices and

  • - the number of edges needed to separate .
  • - the second eigenvalue in assuming eigenvalues are ordered in ascending order.
  • - conductance of .
  • - isoperimetric number
  • - generic automorphism
  • - a partition of .
  • - cardinality of a partition
  • - a quotient of over
  • - characteristic vector of cell
  • - characteristic matrix