• - degree

  • - number of nodes in the network at time

  • - number of links

  • - probability in the degree distribution of node . May also be used to refer to the degree distribution itself

  • - degree probability

  • - nearest neighbor degree the average degree of the neighbors of node

  • - low saturation cutoff

  • - high degree cutoff

  • - natural cutoff

  • - structural cutoff

  • - clustering coefficient of vertex .
  • - link similarity of vertices
  • - cluster size

  • - dynamical exponent
  • - degree exponent of a power law
  • - probability of node being chosen via preferential attachment .
  • - double preferential attachment.
  • - cumulative preferential attachment function
  • - the fitness of node
  • - fitness distribution
  • - initial attractiveness of a node

  • - degree correlation between and
  • - degree correlation coefficient

  • - breakdown threshold at the -th node
  • - breakdown threshold
  • - order parameter
  • - correlation distance (percolation process)
  • (, , ) - critical exponents of a percolation process. Respectively, they are critical exponents for the average cluster size, order parameter , and correlation length

  • - community
  • - modularity of community .
  • - modularity of the network
  • - internal degree of in community
  • - external degree of in community
  • - Global Clustering Coefficient

  • - the fraction of infected for degree block of degree .
  • - characteristic time
  • - epidemic threshold
  • - (epidemiology) the density function
  • - immunization rate