• Differential Equations can be used to study processes that are deterministic, finite-dimensional, and differentiable.
  • The fundamental problem of the theory of differential equations is to determine or study the motion of some system using the phase velocity vector field.
  • Differential equations arise when the dynamics of a system is described by changes in state rather than explicit state values. Analysis proceeds by transforming the problem into an analogous geometric one in a vector field

Ordinary Differential Equations

  • An integral curve is a line that, at each point, is tangent to a vector field

    A necessary and sufficient condition for the graph of function to be an integral curve is that the following relation hold for interval [^note_1]

    The integral line lies in the direct product of the time axis and phase space (called the extended phase space)

  • A function is a solution of the differential equation if

    satisfies the initial condition if


  • - time
  • - element in phase space
  • - extended phase space
  • - interval in the time axis
  • - region in phase space


Partial Differential Equations
