• An Agent Based Model (ABM) is a computational model that involves simulating the agents, and their actions and interactions within a system with the goal of understanding large scale behaviors and outcomes.

  • ABMs are useful for studying complex systems especially those that feature emergent structures or phenomena. It allows for analyzing systemic behaviors from the bottom up.

  • ABMs are primarily motivated by difficulties in modeling phenomena via mathematical or or conceptual models.


  • Incorporate heterogeneity within the system. Rather than having representative agents for large clusters of agents, embrace the heterogeneity.

  • Matching the scale of a model to the data can be important

  • Move beyond rational agents. Incorporate limited information and bounded rationality. A typology of agents can be found below:

    • Simple agents - the behavior is mostly random but there is a goal. Agents do not maintain internal models and only react to the environment based on immediate self interest
    • Learning Agents - agents maintain a model of the environment.
      • Individual Learning - agents learn data from the environment and update its internal model
      • Social Learning - agents build models of other agents or individual agents.
      • Group Learning - agents learn to behave as a group.
    • Behavioral Agents - agents which are made to reproduce the results of experiments. This also allows us to scale from lab results to simulation results.
    • Other Agents include
      • Cognitive Agents where agents have cognitive abilities
      • Emotive Agents - agents with simulated emotions that can affect their decision processes
      • Deontic Agents -agents that can form their own goals out of obligation or social norms.
  • Match the actual processes being simulated.

  • Model the agent interactions. Some methods include:

    • Networks
    • Agent interaction regimes — only some agents are active at any given time step.
      • This avoids perfect synchrony which has some advantages
        • It avoids meaningless artifacts in the model output
        • The real world is often asynchronous.
      • Some common regimes:
        • Uniform Activation - agents are activated sequentially. To avoid artifacts, ensure the order is randomized.
        • Random Activation - agents have a random chance of being activated.
        • Poisson clock activation - agents are active based on a schedule determined via a Poisson distribution.
      • It is also possible to have endogenous activation where agents decide when to be active.
  • Explore hierarchies within the system.

  • Explore emergent superstructures that form as a result of agent interactions.

  • Consider incorporating real world data

    • Use agent models to qualitatively reproduce aggregate patterns.
    • Use agent models to quantitatively reproduce aggregate data.
    • Use agent models to quantitatively reproduce micro-data.
  • The common pipeline for creating an ABM is:

    • Design the model and the theory behind it.
    • Codify the rules of the model into code.
    • Hyperparameters tuning and validation
    • Model analysis
  • 1 suggests we should also consider data driven ABMs.

    • The recent trend toward data-driven ABMs is helping overcome their traditional limitations of lacking mathematical rigor and feeling arbitrary because of difficulties in calibration.
      • The data driven approach can replace unnecessary assumption
      • They can also help make reasonable assumptions by measuring which assumptions improve results (i.e., how they match real world data).
    • ABMs are data driven when the parameters in the ABM are obtained based on empirical data.
    • Generally there are three methods for making ABMs more data driven
      • Calibration involves modifying the parameters to match empirical data. For parameters where there is no source of empirical or theoretical data, we can infer the data via a machine-learning like process
        • Sampling guesses for these parameters
        • Using summary statistics from simulated and real data
        • Defining a loss function to compare simulated and real data.
        • Choosing parameters to minimize loss.
      • Initialization involves estimating agent-level attributes and initial conditions.
        • Initialization requires to make disparate sources of data compatible with themselves and with the model.
        • Some procedures include
          • Generating synthetic populations
          • Reconstructing a network (if given).
          • Use data, if not from the target source, something analogous to the target source.
      • Assimilation involves estimating the entire time series of agent-specific variables.

Data Driven ABM typology. Image taken from Pangallo and del Rio-Chanona (2024)

Opportunities and Challenges

  • Incorporate micro-data to the model itself.
  • Model the full population of the system.
  • Optimization - in particular considering hardware and parallelism.
  • The Curse of Dimensionality - more parameters in the ABM give rise to exponential search spaces
  • Using ABM for forecasting.
  • Using ABM as a teaching tool.


  • Some historic models:

    • The Schelling model for modeling segregation.
    • The Axelrod model of the iterated prisoner’s dilemma
    • Traffic and Pedestrian Flow models.
    • Epidemiology models (i.e the SRI model).
    • Ecological models (i.e., Predator Prey)
    • Political models
      • International relations
      • Voting dynamics
    • Sociological models
      • Demography
      • Dynamics of propagating cultural behavior.
      • Simulating societies
      • Modeling inequality.
    • Urban dynamics
  • Computational Economics



  1. Pangallo and del Rio-Chanona (2024) Data Driven Economic Agent-Based Models