Topic Queue
- Demo and Writeup for the AI of a Tactical Top Down Shooter
- Final Fantasy VII - Game AI Writeup
- Predictive Aiming
Paper Queue
- 1 provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the use of Centralized Critics in CTDE.
- 2 introduces a new mutual information framework for MARL. This leads to the development of an algorithm called Variational Maximum Mutual Information, Multi-Agent Actor Critic which allows agents to coordinate simultaneous actions without latency.
- Branching Reinforcement Learning by Du, and Chen (Jun 15, 2022)
- Vinyals et al. (2019) Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning
- Linked in Self Play
- Wu et al. (2017) Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation
- Linked in Trust Region Policies
- Ecoclimates — Climate-Response Modeling of Vegetation by Palubicki et al. (2022)
- Ma et al. (2024) Foundation Methods for Music — A survey
Front Logs
- Exploring Physical Geography by Reynolds - start at Weather Systems
Note, some entries in Trivia are also interesting.
Fuzzy Computation and Fuzzy Logic
- ODEs
- PDEs
Rigid Body Simulation - Nonpenetration constraints
Japanese Mythology
Algebraic Graph Theory
Graph Neural Network - GNNs
Combinatorial Optimization
Graph Theoretic Approaches for Swarms - Resume Ch. 4
Code Complete by McConnell - Resume Ch. 10
Philosophy - read through A New History of Western Philosophy By Anthony Kenny
Factory Physics - Workforce Planning.
Virtues and their Vices by Kevin and Craig -Cardinal Virtues, Intellectual Virtues, Theological Virtues
Linear and Nonlinear Programming by Luenberger and Ye - Resume Ch. 5
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Edwards - Resume Ch. 8
Ordinary Differential Equations by Arnold - Ch. 6 (but restart all of Part 1) with better math background
Extreme Performance Artists. Prompted by this
General Method of Moments / Simulated Method of Moments
Chess Openings
Neuro Evolution of Augmented Topologies and similar algorithms
Compositional Pattern Producing Methods
Lanczos Algorithm (cited in Lanczos Networks)
Algorithmic Information Theory
Some interesting things to explore further - PSLQ, Sinkhorn Limits, Kruithoff Limits
Lyu et al. (2023) On Centralized Critics in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning ↩
Kim, Jung, Cho, Sung (2020) A Maximum Mutual Information Framework for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning ↩