• Note that these are usually applied in the context of brands but they work just as well for analyzing characters.

Primary Archetypes

  • Self - the center of the psyche, representing the unity of the conscious and the unconscious. It strives for wholeness and integration. To create the self — to individuate is to integrate different aspects of one’s personality.
  • Persona - the social mask or facade that an individual projects to others. It is a role adopted to fit societal expectations. It is not reflective of the real self, and associating with it too much represses individuality.
  • Shadow - the unconscious, darker side of the personality containing repressed weaknesses, desires, and instincts. It contains what one perceives as negative. One must integrate the shadow to grow as a person.
  • Anima - the feminine aspect within the male psyche. The unconscious female in the male
  • Animus - the masculine aspect within the female psyche. The unconscious male in the female
  • The Mother Figure - the nurturing and caring figure, symbolizing the maternal aspects of compassion, fertility and nourishment
  • The Father Figure - the authority figure, symbolizing guidance, discipline and protection
  • The Hero - the central character in a quest that requires them to overcome adversity. It is analogous to the individual’s own journey towards self-discovery and growth
  • The Trickster - the mischievous and unpredictable character that disrupts the status quo. They challenge social conventions.
  • The Wise Old Man / Woman - the figure of wisdom, knowledge, and guidance. They have accumulated life’s experiences
  • The Child - the innocent who has potential. They represent a new beginning.

Archetypal Characters

  • Caregiver - A character who continually supports others and makes sacrifices on their behalf.
  • Citizen - A relatable character who feels recognizable from daily life.
  • Creator - A motivated visionary who creates art or structures during the narrative.
  • Explorer - A character naturally driven to push the boundaries of the status quo and explore the unknown.
  • Hero - The protagonist who rises to meet a challenge and save the day
  • Innocent - A morally pure character, often a child, whose only intentions are good.
  • Jester - A funny character or trickster who provides comic relief, but may also speak important truths.
  • Lover - The romantic lead who’s guided by the heart
  • Magician - A powerful figure who has harnessed the ways of the universe to achieve key goals.
  • Rebel - The rebel who won’t abide by society’s demands.
  • Sage - A wise figure with knowledge for those who inquire
  • Sovereign - A character with legal or emotional power over others

Archetype Details

ArchetypeCore DesireStrengthsWeaknessesFear
CaregiverServiceCompassion, Steadiness, Loyalty, Empathy, Honorable, SelflessArrogance, Delusions of Grandeur, Lacking ambition or leadershipSelfishness and Ingratitude
CitizenBelongingFairness, Stewardship, Accountability, Grounded, Relatable, RealismRighteousness, Recklessness, Lacking special powers, Often unprepared for what’s to come, Does not stand outTo be Left out or stand out from the crowd
CreatorInnovationNon-conformity, Sense of Aesthetics, Creativity, Willpower, Conviction, Ability to express their visionOver-dramatization, Perfectionism, Self-involvement, Single-mindedness, Lack of practical skillsMediocre vision or execution
ExplorerFreedomIndependence, Testing limits, Bravery, Non-conformity, Curiosity, Driven, Motivated by self-improvementAimlessness, Alienation, Self-indulgence, Restlessness, Unreliable, Never satisfiedFeeling Trapped, Being forced to conform, Inner emptiness
HeroMasteryStrength, Courage, Perseverance, Faith, Competing against great odds, HonorArrogance, Delusion of Grandeur, Overconfidence, Hubris, Always needing another battleVulnerability, Weakness, Being a coward
InnocentSafetyOpenness to experience, Trust, Honesty, Morality, Kindness, Sincerity, Faith, OptimismNaivete, Denial that problems exist, Vulnerable, Rarely skilledPunishment for doing wrong or bad
JesterEnjoymentHumor, Originality, Irreverence, Disarming, InsightfulCruelty, Being misunderstood, Inefficiency, Can be obnoxious or superficialBeing bored, boring others
LoverIntimacyBelonging to a group, Willingness to sacrifice for others, Humanism, Passion, ConvictionLack of own identity, Obsession, Jealousy, Naivete, IrrationalityBeing alone, unwanted, or unloved
MagicianPowerSurprise, Powers of Perception, Intuition, Cleverness , Omniscience, Omnipotence, DisciplineTrickery, Hubris,, Corruptibility, Arrogance, Becoming manipulativeUnintended negative consequences
RebelLiberationLeadership, Risk taking, Individuality, Bravery, Honesty, Independent Thinking, Virtue, Owes no FavorsNegativity, Lawlessness, Fanaticism, Self-involved, Potentially criminalTo be powerless or ineffectual
SageUnderstandingWisdom, Intelligence, Clarity of Thought, Rational Decision Making, ExperienceFeeling disconnected, Passiveness, Arrogance, CautiousBeing duped, misled, or ignored
SovereignControlOrder, Stability, Tradition, Power, Omnipotence, Status, Resources, ControlEntitlement, Greed, Aloofness, Authoritarianism, Irrelevance, Disliked by others, Out of touch, Being unable to delegateChaos, being overthrown
