• Used in the context of how brands attract customers and the image conjured by the brand, but can be applied more generally.
NameFamilyEssential QualityStrengthsChallenges
AngelCaregiverTo enact the will of a divine cause by guiding and aiding others towards the essential selfCapacity to inspire and relieve spiritual loneliness, Infinite compassion, Ability to be the bearer of miracles, Purity, HumilityTemptation to use the divine to mislead, control or manipulate, Prone to putting on an angelic act while feeling resentful, Pollyanna-like attitude
CaregiverCaregiverTo be altruistic — The selfless devotion to nurture others. To seek a world where everyone is altruisticAltruism, Compassion, Patience, EmpathyFear of instability, Overcompromise leading to loss of balance, Inability to say no
GuardianCaregiverTo defend and protect others and the collective as a whole. To uphold traditions, legacy and valuesGift for nurturing guidance, Desire to offer loving oversight, Protection, Compassionate disciplineAbuse of power, Neglect, Overbearingness, Entrapment
HealerCaregiverTo be the catalyst that creates the conditions for healing to happen. To transform pain into restorationInspiration, Empathy, Faith, Passion, WholenessTemptation to use power for gain, control or fame, Representation as the only answer, Egotism
SamaritanCaregiverTo love their neighbor as they would themselves. To be compassionate for others and relieve them of their suffering, even when unpromptedSelflessness, Kindness, Self-sacrifice, GenerosityAudacity to decide who is deserving of help, Arrogance, Self-martyrdom
AdvocateCitizenTo empower people and to support them; to aim for a collective societal goodEnergy, Drive, Lifelong passion for championing the greater good, Ability to inspire others to actionTemptation to work for causes primarily for personal gain rather than the greater good
CitizenCitizenTo serve the collective; To conform; The everyman rather than the ruler or leaderStewardship, Altruism, Respect, Fairness, Accountability, Tendency to be a good listener, Hard workerRighteousness, Apathy, Rebelliousness, Recklessness
EverymanCitizenTo seek equality; To seek value in the mundane and normal; To be a member of the Human Race.Great strength of character, Faithfulness, Supportiveness, Usefulness, Functionality, ResourcefulnessUnevolved behavior, Ignorance, Preoccupation with the basic routines of life, Groupthink
NetworkerCitizenTo create communities that can collaborate for the mutual benefit of the Collective; To bridge the gap between peopleTalent for creating communities and connections, Outgoing Personality, Empathy, Conversational Skill, Social FlexibilityTendency to be disingenuous, To see people as leverage or to use people for personal benefit, Manipulation, Gossip
ServantCitizenTo be flexible in order to perform a variety of duties to serve and enhance others; VolunteerismService, Ability to Listen, Empathy, Awareness, Commitment to the growth of others, Talent for community building, Humility, Persuasion, Stewardship, OpennessLoss of individual sustainability leading to burnout, Too much sacrifice, Dependence on external acknowledgement
ArtistCreatorTo form passion into a physical shape; To express hidden truths using art that moves peopleExpression, Creativity, Focus, Inspiration, Unorthodox Perspective, Talent for channeling the fullness of the human experience into tangible formsTendency to take on too many projects and challenges, Fear of failure, Prone to fall into cliches, Starving artist, Mad genius
CreatorCreatorTo create something novel, meaningful, expressive, and with lasting value. To have the self be immortalized through creative workCreativity, Imagination, Nonlinear thought, Nonconformity, Developed AestheticOverdramatization, Depression accompanying a failure to make meaning, Perfectionism, Fear of mediocrity and judgment.
EntrepreneurCreatorTo do and create what has never been done before. Innovation made manifestConfidence to be led by a vision, Talent for innovation, High tolerance for ambiguity and complexity, Skill as a self-starterAddiction to adrenaline, Lack of follow-through, Inclination to be all about the chase
StorytellerCreatorTo tell stories in order to connect people together with the shared human experience; To bring to light human nature through their storiesCharisma, Dramatic Expression, Keen Insight, Intuitive understanding of the world, Empathy, CompassionTemptation to exaggerate, lie or provide misinformation or to lure in those who are weak for gain or profit, Need for attention, Tendency to turn towards the negative or to be easily swayed by emotions or empathy
VisionaryCreatorTo imagine the promise and potential of the greater good; To see with foresight and clarityPerception, Enlightened perspective, Illumination, Ability to offer insight for the greater goodTemptation to trade or sell one’s gift for gain or profit, or to shift one’s vision to please or control
AdventurerExplorerTo seek the thrill of being alive by pushing at the boundaries of life in order to reach a higher form of understandingFearlessness, Risk taking, Focus, Daring, Spontaneity, Hunger for new experiencesTendency towards addiction, Inability to find join in the mundane, Relationship problems
ExplorerExplorerTo crave novelty and discovery ; To avoid boredom; To be an authentic individualIndependence, Bravery, Freedom, Self-sufficiency, NonconformitySelf-indulgence, Aimlessness, Alientation
GeneralistExplorerTo experience everything — culture, science, arts to sate a hunger for life ; To cultivate an expansive understanding of the worldExpansive breadth of interests, Open-mindedness, Diverse talents, Nimble and facile mindTendency to overcome or overrepresent expertise, Prone to dabble, Lack of respect for mastery
PioneerExplorerTo answer the call to adventure; To leave the known for the promise of what might be; To venture into uncharted territoryPassion for trailblazing and taking initiative, Innovation, Enthusiasm and driveNot finishing what’s been started, Compulsion for something new, Righteousness, Tendency towards burnout, Overperformance
SeekerExplorerTo search for wisdom and truth; To yearn for enlightenment through soul searching; To seek a better worldTireless inquiry, Honesty, Self-reliance, Flexibility, Open mindsetEscapism, Loneliness, Tunnel vision, Susceptibility to being deceived, Greater interest in discoveries than in people
AthleteHeroTo relentlessly pursue the goal of advancing the limitations of the human form; To seek achievement and great character; Freedom without limitationStrength and power, Discipline, Competence, Bravery, Honor, Tenacity, Achievement orientedAbility to use strength to bully or hurt, Temptation to cheat
HeroHeroTo redeem society by overcoming great odds; To complete extraordinary acts and to triumph against evilSelf-sacrifice, Courage, Redemption, Transformation ,Faith ,Strength, StaminaDelusions of grandeur, Arrogance, Temptation of power
LiberatorHeroTo act for freedom and equality; To be a champion for the weakHumanitarianism, Justice, Strong conviction, Resolute Morality, OptimismImmoral behavior under the banner of justice, Need for revenge or payback, Liberation motivated by desire to impose one’s own will
RescuerHeroTo help those in dire situations; To act when no one else will act; To help for the sake of helpingIntuitive support, Quick reflexes, Honor, Bravery, StrengthThe need to rescue, Misguided Attachments, Rescuing as means of elevating self-worth
WarriorHeroTo overcome injustice with strength; To use one’s strength in one’s duty to protect, defend, and preventValor, Fearlessness, Fortitude, Endurance, Conviction, DutyTemptation to use strength for cruelty or intimidation or to chase victory at the cost of morals and ethics, Violence, Aggression, Selfishness
ChildInnocentTo embody Innocence and Youth. Child-like play, curiosity, and naivete. A new beginning full of potentialTemperament that is easily amused, Inner toughness and resilience, Positive attitude and energy, Fascination with the world, Openness to possibilityInability to grow up and accept responsibility, Difficulty being reliable, grounded or dependable, Tendency to be highly mutable and vulnerable to influence
DreamerInnocentTo seek the Utopia of the mind; To dream about the abstract without needing it to be concreteVivid imagination, Creativity in the form of ideas, plans, inventions and conceptsLack of structure needed to execute ideas
IdealistInnocentTo seek harmony and peace — the knowledge that a better world is possible. To see what life could be rather than what life is.Belief in the possibility of positive change, Strong vision and work ethic towards the greatest common good, Cooperation and Collaboration, Authenticity, Altruism, Self-confidenceConflict avoidance, Frustration, Tendency to view the world through rose-colored glasses
InnocentInnocentTo see the Sacred Beauty in everything — ethereal, pure, faultless and authenticUnbridled sense of wonder, Purity, Freedom from preconceptions, Trust, Unconditional Love, Spontaneity, Honesty, WholesomenessPropensity to retreat into fantasy, Tendency to avoid, deny or repress problems, Fear of punishment for something wrong or bad
MuseInnocentTo inspire and illuminate the human mind in its pursuit of creative endeavorsAbility to inspire creation of arts and literature and to give clarity, focus, and motivation, Facilitation of the growth of others, Collaborative, SelflessnessPossession of a directive agenda, Unfocused energy that can sometimes bring chaos rather than clarity, Tendency to be easily influenced by external forces
ClownJesterTo engage with whimsy - a form of humor that also explores the taboo and social absurdity of everyday lifeAbility to create fun and to make others laugh and cryDanger of not being taken seriously, Loud, Garish, Obnoxious
EntertainerJesterTo offer entertainment — an alternative perspective, an escape from reality; To pursue constant stimulation and pleasurePlayfulness, Ability to provide enjoyment and diversion for a passive audienceMessages diluted by the passivity of the delivery, Sensory temptations
JesterJesterTo be playful — lighten up the world and reveal its truth in surprising ways; Crazy wisdom made manifestWicked humor, Originality, Irreverence, Present moment awareness, Facile social skillsDanger of being misunderstood shamed or considered a threat, Temptation to play cruel tricks, Prone to waste time, Insolence, Tendency to be scattered
ProvocateurJesterTo evoke a strong, polarizing response; To agitate in order to expose the inhumanity and fight against ApathyActivation, Awakening, Powerful human insight, FearlessnessBoorish, Rude, Offensive tactics, Manipulation for Selfish reasons, Adrenaline / Cortisol addiction
ShapeshifterJesterTo be adaptable to any situation; To challenge others to question their assumptions; To transform into another formChangeability, Adaptability, Ability to navigate varying levels of consciousness, Reinvention, DetachmentInconstant alliances and loyalty, Instability, Prioritization of one’s own personal agenda, Fickleness, Mischief
CompanionLoverTo be a confidante; To build genuine relationships with othersLoyalty, Detail orientation, Determination, Practicality, PatienceBetrayal, Jealousy, Loss of self, Prone to dependency
HedonistLoverTo sate an appetite for all things pleasurable, sensual and sexual; To express the joy of being humanAppetite for pleasure, Heightened physical sense, Appreciation, Expansive, OpennessPursuit of pleasure without regard for health or welfare of others, Selfishness, Self-indulgence
LoverLoverTo embrace affection and beauty; Love as the highest form of experience; To be intimate with someoneFaithfulness, Passionate sensuality, Sexuality and spirituality, Expansiveness, Vitality, AppreciationObsession, Promiscuity, Jealousy, Game playing, Fear of not being enough or being alone and disconnected
MatchmakerLoverTo build successful relationships; To facilitate synergy; To bring people togetherTalent for thinking in metaphor, Open-mindedness, Cross-pollination, Strategic Thinking, ConfidentialityInability to disregard personal agenda or bias, Danger or resorting to cognitive judgment rather than intuitive guidance
RomanticLoverTo be “in love” complete with the sexual and sensual aspects of loveAbility to see beauty and possibility, Radiance, Charm, Charisma, Wittiness, Intense emotions, OptimismTendency to become delusional or controlling, Addiction to the close, Susceptibility to seeing through rose-colored glasses
AlchemistMagicianTo transform; to seek unity with the universe — both scientifically and spiritually.Transformation, Purity, Transmutation of elementsFraud, Seduction, Superiority, Temptation to put power and skill to wrong use.
EngineerMagicianTo find practical solutions to everyday problems ; To see how things work; To approach problems in a systematic, structured approachPracticality, Sensibility, Engagement, Honesty, Groundedness, PatienceManipulation, Temptation to seek one’s own advantage or act as a puppet master
InnovatorMagicianTo make paradigm shifts that are catalysts for changeCross-pollination, Idea generation, Inspiration, High intellect, CuriosityDifficulty staying focused, All ideas and no action, Danger of getting lost in the mind
MagicianMagicianTo understand the fundamental laws and inner truths of the universe; To manifest ideas into realityAbility to dream enormous dreams, Mysterious powers of perception, Awe-inspiring intuition and cleverness, Charisma, Highly evolved perspectiveManipulation, Trickery, Hubris
ScientistMagicianTo understand nature and its mysteries through the theories in Natural Sciences; To seek elegant truthsLogic, Focus, Flashes of brilliance, Dedication and commitment, Curiosity about realityTendency to miss the forest for the trees or be distracted by one’s own thoughts, Naivete about the rest of the world ,Inability to recognize the fatal flaw
ActivistRebelTo actively fight against what is wrong; to inspire others to fight for what’s right; To seek for immediate changeAn intentional champion of a cause, Willingness to fight for beliefsOpposition for its own sake
GamblerRebelTo take a chance with luck itself; to find thrill in risk ; To obtain more through extraordinary means ; FatalismReputation as a risk taker and a mover and shaker, Nerves of steel, Great instincts, Ability to read people’s facesAddiction to risk taking
MaverickRebelTo be a contrarian and reject society’s conventional wisdom; To see rules as meant to be brokenIndependence, Nonconformity, Originality, Quirkiness, FearlessnessRebellious or unorthodox behavior with no intended outcome, Unchecked hostility, Aggression
RebelRebelTo embody the consciousness and bring social issues at the forefront; To inspire social change; To overthrow the status quoLeadership Risk taking, Progression and provocative thought, Bravery, Personal power, Brutal honesty, ExperimentationSusceptibility to being fueled by hate or anger, Negativity, Loss of boundaries, Criminal behavior or lawlessness, Fanaticism
ReformerRebelTo improve the system rather than overthrow it; To be vigilant and reduce disorderDiscernment, Maturity, Integrity, Balance, Long-term perspective, Strength to hold to principles, DependabilityTendency toward puritanical and narrow-minded ideals, Righteousness, Hypercriticism, Repression
DetectiveSageTo venture deep into the psyche of others; To seek revelation guided by evidenceAbility to research, Bridge connections, and Uncover what is hidden, Tenacity, InstinctDishonorable use of information, Selfish personal motives, Snooping, Tendency to blame others
MentorSageTo support other’s character development by teaching and training them ; To deliver information and share WisdomAbility to pass on wisdom and support others toward reaching their highest potentials, Good listening skills, Objectivity, Accountability and Presence, Excellence judge of characterTendency to become controlling or prescriptive if attached to success, Susceptibility to burnout from supporting others if not balanced with support of self.
SageSageTo transcend the personal to uncover the symbols hidden in life’s challenges; To impart wisdom so that mistakes will not be repeated ; Thinking as what defines human experience; To aim for TruthWisdom, Intelligence, Truth seeking, Clarity of thought, Rational decision making, Prudence, Talent as a diligent researcherFear of being duped or ignorant, Susceptibility of being disconnected from reality, Dogmatism, Righteousness or Arrogance, Lack of action
ShamanSageTo be of service to humanity by using their ability to access different ways of seeing and their mystical connections ; To be the medium between the visible and invisible; To allow others to connect with their spiritPower to see and tell the truth, Spiritual nature that is tied to neither religion nor dogma, Sensitivity to nature and the cycles of life, Ability to straddle worlds as an interediary or messengerSelf-importance and aggrandizement of gifts, Manipulation, False sense of power
TranslatorSageTo be the messenger of meaning, acting as the bridge between cultural ideas; To cross boundariesSkills as an intuitive communicator, Ability to make unexpected connections to reveal meaning, Gift of inference, Seeing patterns, Tracking symbols, Proficiency at interpreting and mediatingThe ego’s interference with real meaning, Temptation to force meaning behind in time, Lack of accountability
AmbassadorSovereignTo bring people together to see disputes resolved through mediation and consensus buildingBroadmindedness, Diplomacy, Communication, Clarity, Sensitivity, Prioritization, LoyaltyMisuse of influence, Indirection, Erosion of confidence, Tendency to prioritize others
JudgeSovereignTo balance justice and compassion; To punish bad behavior to retain order; To be fair, balanced and justDiscernment, Justice, Wisdom, Compassion, Fairness, BalanceTendency to use normative comparisons, Susceptibility to being seduced by power, Narrow-mindedness, Manipulation
PatriarchSovereignTo be responsible for protecting others through a lineage of power and leadership; To make others feel secure through good governance; social order and stabilityProtection, Selflessness, Leadership, CourageAbusive control, Tyranny, Domination
RulerSovereignTo be in power and control through one’s own effort; To use this power to lead towards a visionPower, Confidence, Dominion, High status, LeadershipFear of loss of control and chaos, Entitled arrogance, Authoritarianism, Righteousness
SovereignSovereignTo be royal and exude an untouchable quality of privilege; To impose tradition and exemplify divinity; To expand the kingdom; The highest expression of collective power — showing what can be achieved through cooperationRank, Tradition, Benevolence, Assumed authority, Inherited responsibility, Nobility, StabilityEntitlement, Dictatorship, Self-service, Greed, Figurehead status, Irrelevance
