
  • Manipulation Rules indicate how the types manipulate others
1Correcting Others — insisting others share their standards
2Finding out others’ needs and desire — then creating dependencies
3Charming Others — and by adopting whatever image works
4Being temperamental — and making others walk on eggshells
5Staying preoccupied — and by detaching emotionally from others
6Complaining — and testing others’ commitment to them
7Distracting others — and by insisting others meet their demands
8Dominating others — and by demanding that others do as they say
9Checking out — and passive-aggressively resisting others
  • Leaden Rules -the way that the types force themselves on others when manipulation fails. Do unto others what you most fear having done unto you.
Leaden Rule
1Point out the evil, corruption and defectiveness in others
2Make others feel unworthy of their love, generosity or attention
3Make others feel valueless by treating them arrogantly or with contempt
4Treat people disdainfully as if others were nobodies
5Make others feel helpless, incompetent and incapable
6Undermine the support system of others to isolate them
7Cause pain and make others feel deprived in various ways
8Make others feel they will be harmed or controlled by their threats
9Make others feel they have lost connection by tuning others out.
  • Direction of Disintegration
DisintegrationNew Type
1Methodical to Irrational, Disenchanted, Hypocritical, and Self-Indulgent.4
2Needy to Aggressive, Dominating, Blunt, and Controlling8
3Driven to Disengaged, Apathetic, Disillusioned, and Complacent9
4Aloof to Over-involved, Dramatic, Hypersensative and Clinging2
5Detached to Hyperactive, Aggressively insensitive, Anxious, Scattered7
6Dutiful to Competitive, Arrogant, Self-Conscious, and Dishonest3
7Scattered to Impatient, Insensitive, Self-restraining, and Critical1
8Self-Confident to Secretive, Cynical, Paranoid, and Nihilistic5
9Complacent to Anxious, Worried, Rigid and Paranoid6
  • Direction of Integration
IntegrationNew Type
1Angry and Critical to Spontaneous, Joyful, Curious and Open Minded7
2Prideful and Self-deceptive to more Self-nurturing, Creative and Emotionally Aware of their Physical and Emotional Needs4
3Vain and Deceitful to Cooperative, Selfless, Committed to others, and Courageous enough to ask for help.6
4Envious and Emotionally Turbulent to more Objective, Principled, Accepting of themselves, and Discerning1
5Avaricious and Detached to more Self-confident, Grounded in the real world, Applied, and Decisive8
6Fearful and Pessimistic to more Relaxed, Mindful, Optimistic, and more Open while being more grounded.9
7Gluttonous and Scattered to more Focused, Profound, Clear-minded and Mindful5
8Lustful and Controlling to more Open-hearted, Caring, Respectful, and Nurturing2
9Slothful and Self-neglecting to Self-developing, Confident, Energetic, and Authentic3

Levels of Development


Level 1Level 2Level 3
1Accepting, WiseEvaluating, ReasonablePrincipled, Responsible
2Self-nurturing, Unconditionally LovingEmpathetic, CaringPrincipled, Responsible
3Inner-Directed, AuthenticAdaptable, AdmirableGoal-Oriented, Self-Improving
4Life-embracing, Life enhancingIntrospective, SensitiveSelf-Revealing, Creative
5Participating, VisionaryObservant, PerceptiveFocused, Innovative
6Self-Reliant, CourageousEngaging, ReliableCommitted, Cooperative
7Joyous, SatisfiedAnticipating, EnthusiasticRealistic, Productive
8Self-Surrendering, HeroicSelf-Reliant, StrongSelf-Confident, Leading
9Self-Possessed, IndomitableUnself-conscious, PeacefulUnselfish, Comforting


Level 4Level 5Level 6
1Obligated, StrivingSelf-Controlled, OrderlyJudgmental, Critical
2Well-intentioned, People-pleasingPossessive, IntrusiveSelf-important, Overbearing
3Success-Oriented, PerformingImage-Conscious, ExpedientSelf-Promoting, Grandiose
4Romanticizing, IndividualisticSelf-Absorbed, TemperameentalSelf-Indulgent, Decadent
5Conceptualizing, PreparingDetached, PreoccupiedExtreme, Provocative
6Dutiful, LoyalAmbivalent, DefensiveAuthoritarian, Blaming
7Acquisitive, ConsumingDistracted, ScatteredSelf-Centered, Excessive
8Pragmatic, EnterprisingSelf-Glorifying, DominatingConfrontational, Intimidating
9Self-Effacing, AgreeableDisengaged, ComplacentResigned, Appeasing


Level 7Level 8Level 9
1Self-Righteous, InflexibleObsessive, ContradictoryCondemnatory, Punitive
2Self-justifying, ManipulativeEntitled, CCoerciveFeeling Victimized, Burdensome
3Unprincipled, DeceptiveDuplicitous, OpportunisticMonomaniacal, Relentless
4Hateful, AlienatedSelf-Rejecting, Clinically DepressedDespairing, Life-Denying
5Nihilistic, EccentricHorrified, DeliriousSeeking Oblivion, Self-Annihilating
6Panicky, UnreliableParanoid, Lashing OutSelf-Abasing, Self-Destructive
7Insatiable, EscapingManic (Depressive), RecklessOverwhelmed, Paralyzed
8Ruthless, DictatorialMegalomaniac, TerrorizingSociopathic, Destructive
9Repressed, NeglectfulDissociating, DisorientedSelf-Abandoning, Disappearing

Pathologies and Neuroses

  • Wake Up Calls - indicate that the type is moving from the healthy range to the more fixated average range.
Wake Up Call
1Feeling a sense of personal obligation to fix everything themselves
2Believing they must go out to others to win them over
3Beginning to drive themselves for status and attention
4Holding on to and intensifying feelings through the imagination
5Withdrawing from reality into concepts and mental worlds
6Becoming dependent on something outside the self for guidance
7Feeling that something better is available somewhere else
8Feeling that they must push and struggle to make things happen
9Outwardly accommodating themselves to others
  • Red flags - fears that indicates the type is moving from the average range to the unhealthy range of behaviors
Pathological Warning SignsRed Flag
1Taking rigidly Inflexible positions
Extremely self-righteous and very judgmental
Rationalizing and justifying their own actions
Intense feelings of disillusion and depression
Outbursts of rage, intolerance and condemnation
Obsessive thinking and Compulsive behaviors
Periods of masochistic self-punishment
Their ideals are wrong and counterproductive
2Extreme tendencies toward self-deception
Acting with a sense of delusional entitlement / Histrionics
Episodes of manipulating and coercing others
Episodes of obsessive love out of keeping with age or status
Evidence of repressed aggression acted out inappropriately
Physical symptoms of emotional problems
They are driving friends and loved ones away
3Physical exhaustion and burnout from relentless workaholism
Increasingly false self-image, dishonesty and deceptiveness
Lack of feelings and inner emptiness
Concealing the degree of their emotional distress
Jealousy and unrealistic expectations of success
Exploitation and Opportunism
Severe episodes of rage and hostility
They are failing, their claims are empty and fraudulent
4An oppressive sense of alienation from self and others
Extreme emotional volatility and touchiness (not a manic reaction)
Dependency on one or two others, with unstable relationships
Outbursts of rage, hostility and hatred
Chronic, long-term depression and hopelessness
Episodes of self-sabotage and rejecting positive influences
Obsessions with death, morbidity and self-hatred
They are ruining their lives and wasting their opportunities
5Increasing tendency to isolate themselves
Chronic physical neglect, letting themselves go
Chronic and severe insomnia, nightmares, and sleep disorders
Increasing eccentricity — loss of interest in social skills
Refusing help, or even being hostile to it
Distorted perceptions, hallucinations
Talk of suicide
They are never going to find a place in the world
6Intense anxiety and panic attacks
Acute inferiority feelings and chronic depression
Constant fear of losing support from others
Alternating dependency and impulsive displays of defiance
Keeping bad company and attachments to abusive relationships
Extreme suspiciousness and paranoia
Hysterical lashing-out at perceived enemies
Their own actions have harmed their security
7Extreme dissipation and attempts to escape anxiety
Serious longstanding and debilitating addictions
Impulsiveness, Offensiveness, and Infantile reactions
Compulsive activities and highly elated mood
Periods of being out of control
Mania, Depression, and Wild Mood swings
Period of panic and paralyzing terror
Their activities are bringing them pain and unhappiness
8Paranoid feelings of being betrayed by their people
Increasing social isolation and bitterness
Lack of conscience and empathy; Callous hard-heartedness
Episodes of rage, violence, and physical destructiveness
Plotting vengeance and retaliation against enemies
Seeing self as an outlaw; Involvement with criminal behavior
Episodes of striking back at society (sociopathy)
Others are turning against them and will retaliate
9Denial of serious health, financial, or personal problems
Obstinacy and long-standing resistance to getting help
General awareness and vitality dampened and repressed
A sense of inadequacy and general neglectfulness
Dependence on others and allowing themselves to be exploited
Chronic depression and emotional flatness (anhedonia)
Extreme dissociation (feeling lost, confused, deeply disconnected)
They will be forced by reality to deal with their problems

The Call To Transformation

CallRemember it is in our nature to…TransformationEssential Quality
1To live for a Higher PurposeBe wise and discerningTo realize that they can suspend our judgment about what they should do.

Accept reality as it is, and to accept ourselves as we are. and not what is our ideal.
Perfection - The universe is perfect as it is, as all things unfold as things ought to.

All parts of the whole, even the flawed, contribute to create something more than the sum of its parts. This comes with the knowledge of the necessary amount — the perfect amount for everything
2To nurture yourself and othersBe good to yourself and have goodwill and compassion to othersTo realize that they aren’t going to heal their hearts through self-sacrifice.

Love is not a commodity. Real Love is present in ourselves and others
Freedom - Love is omnipresent. We do not need to give or to get love from others.

We have love and value. We are love and value, embodied. There is no need to search for more.
3To develop yourself and set an example for othersTake pleasure in your existence and to esteem and value othersLet go of the notion that their value is dependent on the positive regard of others.

The mask must come off and the inner emptiness must be acknowledged. They become genuine, striving to be no more or less than they really are.
Hope - We are valuable because we exist. We imbue value on the things around us. We cannot be without value, we can only forget that it is there.
4To let go of the past and be renewed by your experiencesBe forgiving and use everything in life for your growth and renewalTo realize that there is nothing wrong with them and so no one needs to rescue them.

To be themselves requires no effort. They are already a living work of art — cycling between creation and transformation
Origin - We can create their own lives. Our true self is ever changing due to experiences, and is made richer because of them

We can grow from experience. When we allow ourselves to be touched by life, we are changed.
5To observe yourself and others without judgment or expectationsBe engaged with reality, contemplating the infinite riches of the worldTo stop observing and to experience. The answer to a question arises not from
a chattering brain but from a clear mind that is attuned to reality

There is nothing to fear with reality because they are a part of it.
Clarity - the lack of attachment to any particular point of view. Any position is useful within a limited context.

We are all connected, and we can experience this connection. Everything is an infinite bounty.
6To have faith in yourself and trust in the goodness of lifeBe courageous and capable of dealing with life under all conditionsTo realize how much they are already supported, even in the little things.

The support they have been seeking has always been available — in their own Being, inside of them manifesting as an inner emptiness that can be filled with potential
Faith - a real and immediate knowing that comes from experience. Belief with experience that is made into guidance.

Being supports us because we are part of it; Our existence has Being. It cannot not have Being.
7To joyously celebrate existence and share your happinessBe happy and to add to the richness of experience for everyoneTo realize that fulfillment is not the result of “getting” anything: it is a state of
being that arises when we allow the richness of the present moment to touch

To see the divine potential in even the material things.
Ecstasy - the natural experience that arises spontaneously when we experience ourselves as Being — when we quiet our minds.

Life is the greatest gift (and so is everything within it). There was nothing wrong with it to begin with.
8To stand up for yourself and to speak out for what you believeBe strong and capable of affecting the world in many different positive waysTo understand the roots of their defensiveness. To open the heart once more to see a forgotten innocence that was always there.

To surrender themselves to a higher plan — beyond their self-interest. To realize that they were always powerful and they have no need to assert this power.
Innocence - the primal, and instinctive satisfaction of being alive — in simply experiencing existence as it is. The quality of being child-like.

Humans function as part of a balanced natural order. True power comes from aligning oneself with the Divine.
9To bring peace and healing into your worldBe an inexhaustible font of serenity, acceptance and kindness to the worldTo realize that the only true way to achieve unity is to engage themselves in the present moment. They must confront their negative emotions.

We cannot transcend the human condition, we can only embrace it — our true nature.
Holy Love - a dynamic quality of Being that breaks all barriers before it. In dissolving these boundaries, we reconnect with others and realize the Essential Love has been with us all along.

Everything in the Universe is interconnected.
