• - group on set with binary operator
  • - group
  • - binary operator
    • - binary operator. Typically for additive groups
    • - binary operator. Typically for multiplicative groups
  • - group element
  • - inverse of group element
  • - identity element
    • - identity element for additive groups
    • - identity element for multiplicative groups
    • - left identity
    • - right identity

  • - is a subgroup of
  • - is a proper subgroup of
  • - the size of group . Also called its order
  • - the order of group element .

  • - is isomorphic to .
  • - a homomorphism
  • - the canonical homomorphism. We notate its image as or .
  • - the canonical isomorphism. We notate its image as or
  • - the kernel of homomorphism
  • - the cyclic subgroup containing the generator .
  • - the inner automorphism by .
  • - conjugate subgroup using .
  • - the set of all endomorphisms on .
  • - the set of all automorphisms on .

  • - the direct product of and .
  • - the direct sum of and (assuming both are Abelian)
  • - subgroup product of and .
  • - the join of and

  • - permutation
  • - permutation applied times. (negative power means reversing the permutation)
  • - orbit of a set on the element under the permutation .
  • - the permutation on the group such that .
  • - the permutation on the group such that .

  • - Klein-4 group
  • - General Linear Group on dimensions
  • - Special Linear Group on dimensions.
  • - Dihedral Group of order
  • - Symmetric Group of order
  • - Cyclic Group of order
  • - Alternating group of order
  • - generic normal group
  • - commutator subgroup

  • - Center of group .
  • - torsion subgroup of abelian group

  • - the left coset of containing
  • - the right coset of containing .
  • - the double coset.
  • - is a normal subgroup of .
  • - the index of .
  • - the factor group of modulo

  • - the orbit of under
  • , - the stabilizer of under .
  • - subset of a -set where .
  • - the set of fixed points of a -set .
  • - the set of orbits of under .
  • - the normalizer of .
  • - the transpose of .

  • - alphabet.
  • - the free group generated by .
  • - A group presentation with as the set of symbols and each a relation.