• Note that the correct spelling of the word is provided in the native writing system (see Index of Writing Systems). Romanization is only an approximation

Native Words and Phrases


WordRomanizationMeaningAdditional Remarks
すみません。Sumimasen.Excuse me (as in to get someone’s attention).

I’m sorry (to trouble you).

Thank you (for your time).
さようなら。SayounaraFarewellTraditionally used when you do not expect to see someone for a long time.

However, may also be used casually (i.e., school children taking leave from class)
しつれいします。ShitsureishimasuGood bye (formally)
こんにちは。Konnichiwa.Good day / Good afternoon.こんにち (Today) +は (Topic particle)
こんばんは。Konbanwa.Good eveningこんばん (Tonight) +は (Topic particle)
おはよう。Ohayou.Good morningCan also be used as a greeting when seeing someone for the first time in the day
おはよう ございます。Ohayou gozaimasu.Good morning. (polite)
おやすみ(なさい)。Oyasumi(nasai).Good night
はじめまして。Hajimemashite.How do you do?
いってきます。Ittekimasu.I’ll go and come back
ただいま。Tadaima.I’m home
よろしく おねがいします。Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.Nice to meet you.
いいえ。Iie.No. Not at all.
いってらっしやい。Itterasshai.Please go and come back.
じやあ、また。Jaa, mata.See you later (between friends you expect to see again)
Arigatou.Thank you
ありがとう ございます。Arigatou gozaimasu.Thank you (polite)
ごちそうさま(でした)。Gochisousama(deshita).Thank you for the meal (after eating)
いただきます。Itadakimasu.Thank you for the meal (before eating)
おかえり(なさい)。Okaeri(nasai).Welcome home.
ええ。EeYep (Yes). Informal
はおHaiYes (neutral / Polite).

May also mean “Here” (as in I am present)
うんUnYes (Very formal)
あのAnoUm…Filler word, but is used as a “pacer” in the sense it signals hesitation to the other person.
そうですSou desuThat’s right
そうですかSou desu kaI see; Is that so?


WordRomanizationMeaningAdditional Remarks
いまImaNow (the present moment)
えいごEigoEnglish (language)
と おじぎOjigiBowing (in the respectful sense)
めいしMeishiBusiness card
ごごGogoAfternoon (P.M.)
ごぜんGozenMorning (A.M.)
せんこうSenkouMajor (as in a subject in school)
せんせいSenseiTeacher or Professor.

Honorable Master
Sensei is typically reserved to describe another person as it is more aptly translated as “Honorable Master”.

Saying わたし は せんせい (I am Sensei) can be seen as arrogant.
きょうしKyoushiTeacher or ProfessorCompared to せんせい (Sensei) it is more modest.
だいがくDaigakuCollege / University
りゅうがくせいRyugakuseiInternational studentNote the subword “がくせい” (student)



WordRomanizationMeaningAdditional Remarks
なん/なにNan / NaniWhat
あなたAnataYouRarely used in casual speech as it has a condescending undertone.

Typically used when there is no information about the addressed person.

Used by women to mean “Dear” (i.e., referring to a spouse)
  • Japanese typically does not use pronouns. For example.
    • Instead of あなた (you), we use the name and title to refer to the second person.


WordRomanizationMeaningAdditional Remarks
〜ご… go… language (i.e. language of something)
〜じ… ji… ‘o clock
〜さい… sai… years old
〜さん… sanMr / Ms …

Used as a default / respectful honorific
Used as honorific
〜じん… jin… people (i.e., the people of a nation)
〜ねんせい… nensei… year student
〜ちゃん… chanLittle …

Frequently for girls and small children, close friends or lovers.

Expresses one finds the person endearing

Can also be used towards cute things.

Can also be used to describe oneself (in a childlike manner.)
Used as honorific
〜くん… kunSemi-formal title for a male junior or a young man.

Can also be used for males in general.

While typically used for men, it can also be used for women (in which case it is more respectful than 〜ちゃん (chan) while still implying endearment).

Particles and Miscellaneous

WordRomanizationMeaningAdditional Remarks
waTopicIt is pronounced “wa” instead of the usual “ha” in Hiragana.
toAnd (with a specific list in mind)
ですdesu“Is / To be”Technically speaking, です carries no inherent meaning. It functions as a Copula
kaQuestion particle

In general acts as a Noun modifier
