Goal: Find the location of all the ships on the grid.
Constraint: Ships do not touch each other. Not even diagonally.
Constraint: Numbers MAY indicate the number of squares in that row or column are occupied by part of a ship.
Constraint: Numbers MAY indicate the number of water segments in the ship
Variant: Clouds. Ships are now rectangular in shape, with width and height of at least two cells.
Variant: Digital Battleships Grid contains numbers. Values on the right and bottom edges reveal the sum of the numbers in each ship piece that appears in the respective row or column.
Goal: Color some of the cells to satisfy the clues
Constraint: Numbers on the top and left sides give the totals for the black squares based on their value reading in that direction
Constraint: Numbers on the bottom and right side give the value of the cells from that direction
So that, for example, clues on the top give sums along columns. The values used are those specified on the right side of the grid (which go down along columns).
Constraint: Numbers indicate how many empty cells can be reached from that cell moving orthogonally and without jumping over circled cells, blacked cells or itself.
Goal: Place tents in some of the remaining squares on the grid.
Constraint: There are exactly as many tents as trees.
Constraint: Tents and trees can be matched up such that each tent is directly orthogonally adjacent to its own tree. A tent may be adjacent to other trees as well as its own.
Constraint: No two tents are adjacent orthogonally or diagonally.
Constraint: The number of tents in each row and column matches the numbers given.