Object Representation

  • All objects in rasterized rendering are composed of triangles.
    • Every triangle has three vertices. The order of these vertices is important
    • Vertices are collections of arbitrary data (not necessarily limited to spatial data).
    • Collections of triangles form meshes or geometry which are then rendered by the renderer.
    • The topology of a mesh pertains to how its vertices are interconnected.
      • This also corresponds to how vertex attributes such as normals are connected.

Rendering Pipeline

  • Vertex coordinates are transformed in the following sequence using a series of projection matrices.
    • Model Space - the space that a particular object begins in.
      • Model spaces can be hierarchically arranged so that objects are positioned relative to other model spaces.
    • World Coordinates - relative to a globally defined origin.
      • This is usually determined by placing the camera in a convenient place.
    • Camera Space - relative to the perspective plane of the camera.
    • Clip Space - represented using clip coordinates as .
      • represents the visible range of the clip space for that vertex.
      • If , then the object’s coordinate is in view.
    • Normalized Device Coordinates - an extension of clip coordinates but of the form ..
      • An object’s coordinate is in view if
    • Window / Viewport Coordinates - relative to the active window or viewport.
  • On rendering, triangles are broken into fragments by projecting the triangle on the screen and considering each pixel inside the projection. These pixels are then colored.
    • Color Space - coordinates where each basis represents a reference color (i.e., RGB).
  • All objects are rendered based on the order they are given by default.
  • Face Culling involves not rendering triangles that are not visible to the camera.


  • Programs that run on the renderer (GPU) to render graphics.
    • Vertex Shaders handle vertex data, one vertex per invocation. At the very least, they output a clip-space position of the vertex.
    • Fragment Shaders handle fragment data based on vertex data (in window-space), one fragment per invocation, and potentially using interpolation from the vertex data.
  • Buffers are lists used to transfer additional data from memory to the shader kernel. These are designed to be read quickly by the renderer.
  • Indexes are used within buffers to index vertex positions to reduce the amount of space occupied by vertex data.
  • Uniforms are constants that are defined within the shader but set outside of the shader. For efficiency, uniforms can be shared between multiple shaders.

Camera and Projection

  • Cameras make use of perspective projection to render a 3D scene onto a 2D viewport.
    • This is done by projecting the 3D scene onto a viewing frustrum.
    • The dimensions of the inner rectangle of this frustrum must have the same aspect ratio as the target viewport to ensure proper proportions.

Projecting Depth

  • To render objects in depth properly, we use depth-buffering. This helps ensure proper occlusion of objects in space by providing a buffer containing depth information.
  • The idea, then, is to not render fragments which are farther from the viewer on pixel positions that have already been rendered.
  • Depth is, by default encoded as the window-space value.


  • Clipping - the process by which a mesh partially outside of clip space gets broken into smaller triangles that are within clip space.
  • Clipping also solves the problem of dividing by zero when computing for perspective projection by simply not drawing vertices that are clipping through the camera.
  • The clipping plane cuts any objects passing through it so that they may be clipped.
  • Depth Clamping - turns off the camera near / far plane clamping. Instead, it clamps the depths at . in NDC space.
    • Be careful with this as objects that are depth clamped and overlap may look wrong because both their depths are clamped.
    • Also, the triangle must not extend past in camera space.


  • The easy solution is through three rotations applied in sequence . These are represented via gimbals which control the rotation at certain predefined axes.
    • This may lead to gimbal lock where the axis of rotation for two gimbals are parallel, causing them to have the same effect permanently.
  • The preferred way is through quaternions.
    • Quaternions have the bonus of being easy to renormalize, thus making them more numerically precise.
    • Any rotations are then relative to the current orientation of the model.
    • It is also easy to interpolate quaternions visa spherical interpolation.
