- See Exploration Logs as well for backlogs.
Future Readings
Alex Sludd - includes Silicon Photonics, running Neural Networks through light meshes.
Better Videogame Characters by Design by Katherine Isbister
Christopher Alexander principles of architecture. To explore further. In particular
- A Pattern Language
- The Nature of Order books 1 -4
The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni
One Page Design by Stone Librande
Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security
It’s Not All About “Me”: The Top Ten Techniques for Building Quick Rapport with Anyone
GPU Gems 1, 2, 3 - Notes on Realtime Computer Graphics
Lord of Mysteries - https://lordofthemysteries.fandom.com/wiki/Demoness_Pathway. Interesting from a Worldbuilding Perspective
From The Depths - specifically focusing on digging through the design and interaction between systems.
- Geometric Deep Learning - stopped at the intro portion of the paper. Need to review Group Theory first.
- Forecasting — specifically classical techniques for Time Series Analysis.
- Abnormal Psychology. Specifically Mental Illnesses.
Beall’s List - provides a list of predatory journals and publishers.
Library Genesis - site for searching millions of books
Anna’s Archive - site for searching millions of books
phind - a search engine that makes use of an LLM under the hood.
Pi.ai - an online personal assistant chatbot as an alternative to ChatGPT.
[Chat Paper](https://chatpaper.com/) - AI powered tool for reviewing research papers
General Knowledge Repositories
Very Short Introductions - A book series.
The Stacks Project - an open source resource for Algebraic Geometry.
Nlab - wiki on mathematics, physics, and philosophy (from a pure math perspective)
IQuiLezles - math, art and computer graphics
Math3ma - math
For h in hexes - tabletop
HackerFactor - Security
What to Learn?
- Universities provide curricula that can aid in the self learning process. The autodidact can either follow these curricula, figure out prerequisites needed for a field of study or simply explore what is out there