What is the nature of reality?

  • Thales: Everything came from and was in some sense made of water. The Earth rests on Water

  • Anaximander: The fundamental principle of things must be boundless (apeiron or translated in English as “Infinite”). It is not defined with some elements

    • The universe is a field with competing opposites. The interactions between opposites is governed by reciprocity.
  • Anaximenes: Air is the fundamental cause of things

    • The Earth is flat and so are the heavenly bodies Everything rests on the Air.
    • Condensed air becomes water. Water condensed further becomes Stone. Rarefied air becomes fire.
  • Pythagoras: The book of the universe is written in numbers.

  • Aristotle: Aristotelianism There are four different kinds of cause (“Why’s”) needed to understand the world

    We think we do not have knowledge of a thing until we have grasped its why, that is to say, its cause (Physics II 3,194 b 17-20)

    • Material - the aspect determined by the object’s composition.
    • Formal - the form of the object that governs its dynamics.
    • Efficient - the external thing that causes something to be changed or move.
    • Final - the cause related to the sake of which something is done.