• The key is to balance rewards and punishments.
  • Do not overwork your subordinates. Although tempting for Productivity, consider the cost in morale and discipline this can induce. Even if one does this to make haste, it is not worth it if everyone is exhausted 123. It is thus important to consider the logistics of operations.
  • To keep morale, give rewards to your subordinates. People do not do things for free 4.
    • Beware of this. Overuse of rewards to keep motivation means a lack of discipline and Motivation for the subordinates 5. Understand the true motivation of your subordinates, especially if they are there not because they want to 6
    • When your subordinates see you as the only route to a shared goal, they will follow you without question 7.
  • Be someone that subordinates can look up to. Be their guide to inspire them.
  "The principle on which to manage an army is to set up one standard of courage which all must reach." 


  • Build trust but command authority. Use the appropriate punishments if needed.
    • With authority comes discipline, and discipline comes ease in issuing orders.
    • Ill-discipline can be seen from having to shout orders.
    • Lack of authority can be seen from having to resort to fear. Frequently punishing subordinates indicates a lack of authority and confidence.
    • People want to be in control. Thus, the best way to build authority is to earn the people’s respect 9.
    • Do not backpedal. Be harsh in enforcing the rules. Being lenient only teaches the subordinates that it is alright to do so 10
  "If a general shows confidence in his men but always insists on his orders being obeyed, the gain will be mutual" 


  • Learn to indirectly tell the conditions of one’s subordinates. Look for these indicators in their actions [^9.29 -9.31].
    • Keep morale by being objective. Do away with supersititious beliefs that will only make your subordinates act irrationally 7
  • Keep an illusion of comfort in peaceful times, but during the critical moment remove all thought of retreat from your subordinates and keep their focus on the fight 121314.



  1. 7.7

  2. 10.25

  3. 11.22

  4. 7.20

  5. 9.26

  6. 11.27

  7. 11.26 2

  8. 11.32

  9. 9.43

  10. 9.44

  11. 9.45

  12. 11.38

  13. 11.42

  14. 11.57